The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to have conquered the world in recent months. It appears that people are reconsidering their opinions about adopting AI in their daily lives with the launch of ChatGPT and other websites that provide simple access to cutting-edge AI technologies. Artificial intelligence …

AI for Research: How AI and ChatGPT Change Research

How Is AI Changing Our Future of Research? The world of research is evolving at an incredible pace, and one of the most significant driving forces behind this transformation is Artificial Intelligence (AI). From accelerating drug discovery to predicting climate change, AI is revolutionizing the …

Photoshop goes Neural: Top 4 AI-based Filters

As we all know, a marketing professional is faced with creative-related tasks nearly every day. Photography is one of the most essential components of any brand. When developing a personal or company brand, the marketing professional needs to have the skills to edit and create …

5 Ways Deepfakes Can Impact Your Life

From Tom Cruise’s viral Tik Tok videos to Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas message, deepfakes have been trending again. As it appears, deepfakes do have a footing in politics and they can potentially impact the economy and elections. Such examples include President Ali Bongo’s controversial video which …

Quo Vadis CRM?

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser Die unglaubliche Geschwindigkeit anhand welcher sich der Bereich rund um das Thema CRM verändert hat, haben wir bereits hier und hier erfahren. Täglich zerbrechen sich weltweit unzählige CRM-Spezialisten die Köpfe darüber, wie sie ihren Kunden ein besseres Kundenerlebnis ermöglichen können. Auf …

Smart Home Tech: How to secure your smart home!

It is true that we have been talking a lot about the advantages of voice assistants and how they can help you make your home “smart” but how do they work? Where does all the data go? Are they listening to you all the time? How could you make your smart home safe?  …

Erfahrungen einer Themen-Influencerin

Experten, die ihre Meinung, Einschätzungen und ihr Wissen mit einer Community im Netz teilen, gehören zur Gruppe der Themen-Influencer. Sie sind Spezialisten und bieten Interessierten einen Mehrwert, indem sie Beiträge und Informationen aus ihrem Fachgebiet veröffentlichen. Als Unternehmerin und Themen-Botschafterin lässt uns Sophie Hundertmark in …

Top 7 Technologies in Real Estate sphere

VR-technology In Real Estate not only a 360 degree VR video is used, but also the integration of VR into a real apartment. In the first case, it is more about a kind of additional advertising material, for example, in the form of presentation of …