Millennials want more than just a paycheck!

  Since my mother, my father and meanwhile also my older sister are all self-employed, I already knew early what it means to work hard and to take responsibility. When my high school colleagues enjoyed the beautiful weather during the summer holidays, I decided to …

First thing first: The basics

Hi and welcome back! As I mentioned in my last post, you’ll need just a few items for a quick start into the game. I thought a lot about how create this list, so you’ll be able to get all the necessary information you need.


In meiner letzen WG hatten wir leider nur ein kleines Gefrierfach oben im Kühlschrank, was etwa genau für eine grosse Packung Glacé, eine Packung Käseplätzli und eine halbe Packung Spinat reichte.  Daher galt es immer alles schnellst möglich aufzubrauchen. Eines Tages wollte ich dann etwas …