Have you ever thought about befriending your Stress?

As you might have realized by now, stress is a reoccurring problem of mine, with which I have been trying to deal by applying different techniques. Well, most of it really helps me, but I have not found a long-term solution yet. Well, maybe there is change to come…

The Talk

Quite recently I was sent the link to a TED talk by a lady called Kelly McGonigal (2013), that is all about my favorite topic. Stress and how to deal with it. Kelly, on the opposite, suggests to embrace the stress and not treat it has your enemy. And also to see your body’s reaction as a way to gain energy and prepare for what is about to come. By using that way of treating it, your risk of dying as a source of stress decreases, as your body reacts to the stress differently.

Wait, what?

Personally, I have split opinions about that approach.

On the one hand I think that this will probably not help me in some situations, for example when I am stressing about whether I might get a speeding ticket in the future or if things might go wrong with a project at work. Why do I think the technique won’t work? Because I know that it is all in my head and there is not actually a challenge I can influence ahead of me.

On the other hand I will try to use this mindset when approaching stressful situation, such as the upcoming exam period. I think putting my mind into the right mindset will help me to get m fighting game going.

Does that mean all of my recent blogpost do not really tell the truth? No! I still think that if you are an overthinker like me, getting your focus on something else is what helps you best in certain situations. Even if you set your mind in the right place.

But what about you? Have you tried Kellys approach and want to share your experiences?

Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram.



Studying, working, sports and life overall can be very stressful. Follow me on my journey to a more relaxed life.

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