Storytime: Gaby’s Financial Plan

Sometimes, having an idea comes with large hurdles. Sometimes, they are a little too large to just take them on your run. Sometimes, you need help to jump them. That was certainly the case for Gaby, when she turned her dream of opening an escape …

Io, Valé e il mio blog. Conosciamoci!

Non esiste miglior modo di presentarsi che con un podcast. Con la voce si riesce a dare un ritmo alle parole, riesco a collegare i miei contenuti e l’obiettivo che vi presento con la mia energia e trasmettervela. Per questo motivo adoro scrivere le lettere …

Zirzensische Lektionen

Reiten muss Freude Machen! Dem Pferd, dem Reiter und auch dem Zuschauer! – Rafael Jurado Castillo Im Umgang mit Pferden ist es mir sehr wichtig viel Abwechslung zu haben. Das Pferd soll Spass haben und immer wieder neue Dinge lernen können, die abwechslungsreich und interessant …

Grün ? Grüner … Gesund

♥ Hi, liebe Food Lovers ♥ So langsam aber zeigt sich der Frühling – die Blüten an den Bäume beginnen zu blühen, die Vögel singen fröhlich vor sich hin und das Leben erwacht in neuem Gewand. Ich liebe den Frühling, er ist so lebendig, frisch und …

Secret Escapes: Worth a Visit?

You may or may not have heard about Secret Escapes. It is a website where you can book exclusive offers from all around the world. And I just love it! Why? See for yourself in my new video: If you are curious, go have a …

End the Struggle and Prolong the Pain

Hello OBM! Now that data studio won’t be at the centre of your worries, I’m sure lots of you return to the more strategic aspects of your projects. It’s time to narrow the focus or to reiterate. There are three levels of magnitude that I …

A Goaltender Fairy Tale

Imagine going to a hockey game as a spectator – and suddenly you have to play in the best hockey league in the world. That’s the story of Scott Foster, 36, accountant & NHL legend.