How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

Summer is approaching by the weather becoming warmer and the daylight going longer. We all crave sunshine and long sunny days. Thus, being in the ‘Summer Mode’ we tend to forget more than usual. Summer vacation, more time to spend with friends and family, and …

10 Gründe für die BARF-Fütterung

Nun hatte ich bereits super viel über die BARF-Fütterung an sich geschrieben, aber mich nicht der eigentlichen, ganz konkreten Frage angenommen “Wieso sollte ich barfen?”. Hierfür möchte ich in diesem Blogartikel gute 10 Gründe geben, die hoffentlich auch jeden Hundehalter für die BARF-Fütterung überzeugen :). …

Schnell erklärt – X-Football League   Liebe Leserinnen und Leser Falls ihr zum Video noch weitere Informationen wünscht, gibt euch der nachfolgende Bericht noch einen genaueren Einblick in das neue Format der X-Football League (XFL). Die Organisation dieses neuen Formats ist unter der Firma «Alpha Entertainment LLC» geführt. Die …

Smart Air Purifiers: Can they help with your allergies?

The answer is yes, an air purifier can help with allergies as long as it uses a True HEPA filter. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology  (IEST) dictates that a HEPA filter must trap 99.97% of particulates 0.3 microns or larger which includes pollen, mold spores, pet dander, dust, …

3D printing and Interactive 3D models in Real Estate

The Real Estate sector is expanding its capabilities and now the ability to print a house with a 3D printer became real. Three-dimensional printing, sometimes called additive manufacturing, is the process of creating three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Currently, 3D printing is …

The impact of COVID-19 to the fashion industry

The biggest shifts in fashion have historically not come from runway trends but followed events such as wars that disrupt society on a huge scale, states a journalist Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell. Being a fashion historian and an author of a book on fashion’s role and personalities from …

4 Must Have For A Functional Home Office

If like me you love to browse on the internet to find inspiration and decor ideas, you’ll probably know that by simply typing “Desk Ideas” on Pinterest you’ll discover thousands of boards for every style and taste. However, those Hygge/Boho/Pastel-Coloured/Insta-Worthy desks aren’t exactly what you’re …

5 Common mistakes websites make

1. Too much about aesthetics You might be thinking: “come on, if the website doesn’t have a good design, how can we get users attracted to our website?”. The answer is “aim for functionality, not design”. Of course, the design is very important as the …