CEO’s Point of View Part III: Digital is Now!

In the Philippines, the increasing number of Filipino digital users drive the growth of the digital marketing landscape continuously. We already know that not only are Filipinos some of the world’s biggest social media users, they’re also some of the most frequent Internet users. The …


大家好,欢迎回来我的博客。接着上一期的贸易加工商的主体,我们这一期将谈谈贸易加工商如何在困境当中求生存。 –  企业 学习自省:寻找标杆,界定差距,变革创新,最佳实践 内部确立本行业的标杆企业,学习行业内的标杆企业。借鉴其他行业标杆竞争企业的成功经验。外部学找市场导向的需求标杆。 找出自己的企业与标杆企业的差距以及自身的优势,并且坚持不断地向标杆企业靠近。 竞争优势: 从独特价值找产品优势,从生产过程照创新优势,从企业愿景追寻文化优势。   –  领导者 系统运作的思想:要有全局观,关注并且补全短板。防止“乘零效应” (勤奋的老板带着勤奋的员工作了不该做的事情)。防止“摩擦效应”,每个组织里面只有一个领导。 战略的布局,高效的执行力: 战略是方向,是企业的行动纲领,只有有方向而且方向正确,企业才能越来越好。执行是朝正确的方向用正确的方法把事情做正确。 要有可持续发展的理念:要有企业的价值观,能够正确判别是非,并且坚持贯彻。 要有全面的机制保证,且系统内各级只能够协调运转。要不断地学习和适应,从战略创新到技术创新再到管理和文化创新。 企业的进步和发展要从意识形态和机制整合创新再到企业核心领导亲历实践三个方面协统筹规划和实施。  

FIDM Weekend Special part 2

Welcome back, To continue our weekend special in this second episode I am talking to one of the most important people in an international student’s life at FIDM. If you haven’t read the first part of this weekend special yet where I talked to Sarah …

FIDM Weekend Special part 1

Welcome back, I have talked to Ben last time whom I have met on my exchange semester at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM), as it was such a crazy and amazing time of my study abroad journey it seemed right to reach …

Cherry-Tomaten pikieren in 4 Schritten

Tomaten, welche im Frühjahr aus Samen am Fenster vorgezogen wurden, können nach deren Keimung und dem Wachsen der ersten Tomatenblätter pikiert werden. Ab Mitte Mai erlauben die Temperaturen es die Tomaten, welche zu den kälteempfindlichen Pflanzen gehören, in Töpfen auf den Balkon zu stellen. Pikieren, …

Four Benefits using Sustainable Makeup

Hello guys, Today I will be talking about four unexpected benefits using sustainable makeup that some of you must be surprised to know!   1.  Your skin will get better : Many non-eco friendly  make up brands put so many chemicals into their products that …

4 Life-Changing Tools To Become A LinkedIn Expert

Small businesses, but also many start-ups often struggle with the lack of budget for their marketing and communication. Those areas are nevertheless very important in order to run a business smoothly. Also, the lack of skills in these fields is sometimes problematic. However, nowadays, they …

How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

Summer is approaching by the weather becoming warmer and the daylight going longer. We all crave sunshine and long sunny days. Thus, being in the ‘Summer Mode’ we tend to forget more than usual. Summer vacation, more time to spend with friends and family, and …