Big Franchise in Kosovo

Hello to everyone! I am back to inform you more about an international company working in Kosovo. As it is known as one of the largest franchises in the world. It is about: Franchising it is not a bad idea. Opening an international big franchise …

The cheapest sustainable beauty brands

Hello guys, I hope you are enjoying your day.   Ever wanted to use sustainable products but you hesitated because of the expensive price? The truth is not every sustainable beauty brands have expensive prices. Today I am going to show you four brands that …

Benefits for doing business in Kosovo

Hi to everyone! I hope all of  you have enjoyed my lasts posts. Today , we will be able to know what are key benefits for investing in Kosovo as one of the youngest country. Actually, its own challenges for attracting foreign investors but this …

Unusual investments: cigars and wines

Cigars are not considered to  be common investments because of the storage difficulties. Annually, the largest cigar manufacturers produce limited series, which are always accessible to ordinary customers. The price for the cigar box  of the limited edition can start from 200 CHF. If the issue …

Buying Wine Online

Online wine sellers have been very busy in the last 2 months. In some countries, their sales have increased by 300%. And as we all know we are the generation that has all the world’s information in our pockets. I little rectangle device we like …

Kräuter auf dem Balkon: Tipps und Tricks

Kräuter auf dem Balkon anzupflanzen ist sehr praktisch, da die für die gängigen Kräuter benötigten Töpfe eher klein sind und somit nicht viel Platz versperren. Doch auch wenn viele Kräuter generell als pflegeleicht gelten, haben sie unterschiedliche Vorlieben. Folgend findet ihr einige Tipps und Tricks, …