Insider’s Guide to Keto: A Night out ??

Hey there! ??‍♀️ Ever wondered how you can enjoy a night out with some alcohol without breaking your keto diet? You’re not alone! Today, I’m excited to share which alcohols and cocktails are keto-friendly, so you can have fun and stay on track. Let’s dive in and find out how to make smart choices while enjoying your favorite drinks! ?

Does Alcohol Break Ketosis?

It depends! Some alcoholic drinks are high in carbohydrates, while others contain none at all. Let’s break down which ones you can enjoy without worry.

Distilled Alcohols
Great news: distilled alcohols do not contain any carbohydrates! But be careful not to mix them with sugary drinks or juices.

Tip: Mix them with sparkling water or still water, with a couple of lemon drops. ?


Who doesn’t enjoy a glass of wine? If you do, this is going to make your day! 

Most red wines and dry white wines are low in carbs, typically containing between 2-5g.

However, be cautious with sweet wines—the sweeter they are, the more carbs they contain, so always check the label.


If you’re a beer fan like me, it gets a bit tricky. Most beers contain between 9 and 16 grams of carbs.

However, there are ‘light’ beers with 5 to 8g and even ‘ultra light’ beers with 0.5 to 2g. The flavour might not be the same, but they’re still great options.  Check out this article to find the best keto-friendly beers?.

If you find a favourite, let me know! ?


Last but not least, with summer around the corner, let’s see which cocktails can be keto-friendly.

The challenge here is that most of these drinks are full of sugar and high in carbs.

Here are some recipes for my favorite keto-friendly cocktails:


Remember, you can enjoy a night out without compromising your keto goals by choosing wisely. Cheers to making smart and delicious choices! ?

See you in the next post! ?

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Alba Garner

Welcome! I’m Alba, a Spaniard living in Switzerland. My keto journey started after a diagnosis of SIBO a few years ago. The shift to a ketogenic diet has been life-changing for me. However, I’ve noticed that not many are familiar with the keto lifestyle. Through this blog, I will share practical tips that have made a significant difference in my experience. Let’s navigate the rewarding world of keto together!

View all posts by Alba Garner →

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