Ordering Too Good To Go

Buying Food cheaper ?

Too Good To Go is the most famous app to combat food waste, connecting shops with users. Instead of throwing away leftover food, the app advertises surprise bags that can be bought at a reduced price and picked up at a specific time.

I have used the app several times and I must confess that I love the concept because it prevents waste and allows you to get food from restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, cafes and more.

So I had to show you how it works, here is the video:



Food waste is responsible for up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the solution is more than simple: consume, enjoy and make the most of food. Will you join the cause?

⬇️⬇️ Let me know in the comments ⬇️ ⬇️


And if you haven’t read the rest of the blogposts yet, here they are:

? Testing the most famous App against food waste:

Buying Food cheaper ?

? What is this blog about?:

Better saved than wasted ?

? Check out our first list:

? Options against food waste **PART 1**

? The rest of the options… Don’t miss them:

Options against food waste ? **PART 2**

? Where to get cheaper baked products?:

? Cheap, rather than wasted, bakery products

? Interview with organisation that fights food waste

Public fridges ? Madame Frigo Interview


Daniela González

I come from Ecuador ?? I have always been interested in foodstuff and have loved it since I can remember. While I came to Switzerland as a postgraduate student, I noticed new ways of sustainable food shopping. So, I'm jumping into the fray to share my discoveries and new experiences. If you want to find out about game-changing food shopping, you are in the right place! ?

View all posts by Daniela González →

2 thoughts on “Buying Food cheaper ?

  1. A very good video, which explains everything on point and simple. Please show more similar videos! Excellent job!

    1. Hi Adrian, thank you for your comment ?
      Yes, there are a couple of videos coming!
      Don’t miss them!

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