Balancing motherhood with student life: my true story

When is it too late to study? Everyone is asking me how I’m managing this balance between motherhood and student life.

Since autumn 2023, I have been an MS Student in Business Administration, Online Business, and Marketing at HSLU Luzern.

To be 100% honest, navigating the waters of University as a mom isn’t just about mastering the art of multitasking—it’s about becoming a maestro of “momtasking!” Let’s get real; your days of giving 100% to everything are replaced by providing 200% effort 50% of the time. 

Some days, my most significant accomplishment is making it to class with a matching pair of shoes, while on others, it’s handling a surprise pop quiz while reminiscing about my toddler’s unexpected “I’m a Mermaid today, mommy!” phase.

Here’s a shout-out to all those moments I missed classes because my little girl decided that being healthy was too mainstream. While my classmates might not always understand the juggle, it’s okay—they don’t have to. It’s part of my unique experience. But really, exam season has become an extreme sport! Trying to schedule exams without clashing with pediatrician appointments or school holidays is like playing Tetris in expert mode. But thank God Grandma could travel to help me with this.

Financially, let’s remember the added amount of calculating the cost of additional after-school care on top of tuition. 

Despite the hurdles, the silver lining has been my incredible classmates. After a rocky start and almost hitting the ‘quit button at the end of my first semester, sticking around was one of my best decisions. The bond we’ve formed is my academic support system, proving that solidarity in student life can make all the difference.

And let’s talk about my thrice-weekly pilgrimage from Bern to Luzern. Sure, it’s 1.5 hours one way, but this has unexpectedly turned into “me time. Seriously, any mom will tell you that 3 hours alone, even if it’s spent on a train wrestling with assignments, is like stumbling upon a spa voucher. It’s precious, peaceful, and, surprisingly, a productivity paradise!

So, to all the studying moms, keep embracing the chaos. Remember, even on the most challenging days, you’re not just earning a degree; you’re setting an example of resilience and determination that your child will learn from the best teacher they have—YOU!

Check out my other Posts:

The cons of being an expat mom in Switzerland

Discover the Top Benefits of being a MOM in Switzerland: Health, Safety, and Kinder Friendly place

Adventure with your little ones in Biezwil, SO

Are you ready to go camping in Switzerland with the whole family?

A Journey of an Expat Mom in Switzerland: What you will find here?

Nadina Luciana

I'm Nadina, Romanian expat living in Switzerland for the past 6 years, and still counting. By day, I'm navigating the maze of being a MsBA student at HSLU Luzern, juggling marketing strategies for the companies I work for all in between some coffee spills. By any other time, you'll find me in my superhero cape as a MOM to an adventurous, unstoppable, 4-years-old girl. So, if you're into tales of family escapades, discovering kid-friendly heavens, and the everyday comedy of raising a tiny human in the land of mountains and chocolate, you're in the right place.

View all posts by Nadina Luciana →

7 thoughts on “Balancing motherhood with student life: my true story

  1. I enjoyed reading through all the blogs. I couldn’t agree more as someone who has high mobility; some train could be a place where you pour all the creative ideas and me time place❤️ Sweet picture

  2. So true! Life as a student-working-mom is a triple rollercoaster, but the motivation and perseverence you can attain when embarking on the Uni journey for the second time is unparalelled. Big cheers to your courage, determination and brilliance! And I second your credits given to the college friends/support group/meaning makers – they really make this journey better.

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