Balancing motherhood with student life: my true story

When is it too late to study? Everyone is asking me how I’m managing this balance between motherhood and student life. Since autumn 2023, I have been an MS Student in Business Administration, Online Business, and Marketing at HSLU Luzern. To be 100% honest, navigating the waters …

The cons of being an expat mom in Switzerland

Becoming an expat can be an experience full of new opportunities and adventures. However, becoming a mom simultaneously comes with its own set of unique challenges. Here are the top three difficulties that I faced in this country. High costs of childcare and education One …

Adventure with your little ones in Biezwil, SO

Exploring Zelgli Träff with my family. Last weekend, my family and I had the pleasure of experiencing the unique charm of Zelgli Träff, nestled on the Reusser family farm in Biezwil, SO. Equipped with a treasure map, we embarked on a journey along the farm’s …