Start your FIRST business within 3 months!

Even if you don’t have any idea how to start one, I can help you.

The first thing for you to understand is that because of the market, today can be easier to start a business rather than to find a job.

For every job you apply for on LinkedIn, there are probably 500 other applicants that I applied before you.

One thing that probably stops most people thinking about starting a business is…

They never researched, but in their head, they THINK is hard or expensive.

People don’t even dream or entertain the idea of starting their own business.

In fact, entertaining an idea, or looking at an idea from different points of view, is a sign of intelligence.

Most people, once they have a new idea, they just slam it BOOM. No, this can never work, who am I?

As if thinking is a crime. It’s funny for me to imagine most people do not allow themselves the right to think.

In your head is only you and through the thoughts that you give to yourself you can evolve.

People don’t change. People evolve. Or they stop evolving.

Do you want to evolve into who you are meant to be?

You know yourself better than I know you. Every day try to be that person!

Dress the nicest clothes, go to the fanciest places, and hang around people you love.

It is your right. It is not something that I or someone else can give to you or take from you.

Now why do I say this?

What does it have to do with a business?

You see, these are some tricks that allow you to prosper and become who you are meant to be.

Once you do that, you will discover that you are the best at something.

That something is a gifted talent that you have.

A talent, that can be used in one or many industries.

Once you evolve and your confidence is good, aka your self-imagine is positive…

You will start to feel your intuition, one of your 6 mental faculties.

It will tell you exactly everything you need to know.

Where to go and what to not accept.

Your intuition speaks to you, just learn how to listen to it.

You will then find your talent!

It can be drawing. You can become a painter or architect or both, it is up to you.

It can be your voice. You can become a presenter or signer or both, it is up to you.

People have different talents, because serving others, is the rent we pay for our place in this world.

We have specific needs and there are people with specific talents.

Why do we need business people?

Because the way the market and the economy works is so that we need people to run businesses.

The business people are the ones that invest before anyone and that get paid last,.

First, they pay contractors, then they pay salaries, then they pay taxes, then lastly they pay themselves.

Are you willing to do that? If yes, continue reading.

Let me tell you 3 of many talents that help you start a business. (You only need one of them)

  • You are great at communication
  • You are great at delegation
  • You are great at management

You see that it has nothing to do with tech or finance?

Because it’s actually the people you hire that will do that.

This is one of my online ventures, a sunglasses brand called Vistinse. (Sales are closed at the moment)

I don’t produce them, I don’t pose with them, someone else built the website, etc…

You will instinctively find a market. Something that businesses or people might pay for.

Your gut feeling or your intuition will spot an opportunity.

It doesn’t need to be something revolutionary.

You live in a country that has many dogs. People are willing to pay you to walk their dog.

Once you start just a Facebook page or knocking on doors, you find clients and they pay you to walk their dogs.

If you start having more than let’s say 10 clients a day, you hire people.

Many students are looking for part-time jobs.

You get 40 CHF an hour for walking a dog and you give half of that to a student that does the job for you.

By time you have just 10 clients that pay you only 1 hour each, so you make 200 CHF a day.

I am not saying that this particular idea will work. I am just trying to ope your mind.

People pay not only for what they need, but also for what is convenient.

They don’t pay only for water to survive, sometimes they pay a taxi just to move in comfort.

It can be easier, to find a group of people and then sell them and upsell them.

If you have a luxury travel agency, you can think outside of the box.

Those people want luxuries, you can find them watches aboard. (BTW you live in Switzerland)

People are willing to pay. I repeat. Some people don’t know where to spend and they are happy to pay you.

Take one month to work on your self image and activate your intuition.

Then another month to use your intuition to find a market.

Once you found your market work alone for one month to see if a company or a person can pay you.

You speak English, Italian, French, and German and you use social media every day.

Do you even take good pics with your camera?!

Just message influencers or small businesses around you.

Hello, I can manage your social media.

You go there maybe once per week and shoot some pics. Shoot some pics and use some scheduling tools. That’s it!

Once you have 15 businesses paying 300 CHF a month each, you make a decent salary.

Many businesses don’t use social media. They would happily pay you. (Doctors for example)

That is because you bring them clients.

With time you can start charring more and do more channels or even paid ads and get commissions.

On Fiverr, you can find people, that will do all the job for you.

You better delegate and focus on finding more clients and growing your business.


Dario Hani

I see that many university students in Europe struggle financially and all they think of is how to save money. My mission for these blogs is to teach them the right mentality and some ways to make money. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!

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