Does THE perfect reading place exists?

If you made it this far, I hope you’re already on a reading streak! And if you’re an engaged reader, you know how important it is to find a suitable place to concentrate and enjoy reading. But, is there a perfect place to read?

Some people will say that reading in quiet and peaceful places, such as at home or in the library, is ideal, as a noisy and busy environment can be a distraction and make it difficult to concentrate on reading. ?

On the other hand, we have those who prefer to read in busier places, such as a café or park, as they think a very quiet place can be monotonous. ?

For some people, even the company is important because they prefer to read with someone close by or, on the contrary, have solitude to concentrate. ? ≠ ?

The answer is, of course, no! There is no perfect place to read, as each person has their own preferences and needs when it comes to the reading environment. And that’s okay! ?

But, whether comfortably seated in a soft chair, or in a hammock or bed, it is important to always remember that a comfortable place to sit or lie down is essential to avoid discomfort and fatigue and make reading a pleasant moment.

Lighting is also essential. It is important that the location has good lighting so that there is no extra effort for the eyes and that reading can be done comfortably. If you have an e-reader, you can even read in the dark!

? Click on the video below and check out my favorite place to do my readings:

If you’re just starting to develop the habit of reading, try different places and find what works best for you. ?

What about you? Do you already have a perfect place to put reading into practice? Do you prefer a silent or a noisy place?

Tell me in the comments below!

Missed the last posts?

? Developing the reading habit: Why it’s important and how to start

? How your attention span can affect your reading

? The Booktok phenomenon

? E-readers

? How book clubs can help develop the reading habit

Samira De-Stefano Hofer

Olá, eu sou a Samira e neste perfil nos vamos falar sobre o hábito da leitura no mundo tecnológico em que vivemos. Com a rápida evolução da tecnologia, a maneira como lemos mudou significativamente. Com o ritmo acelerado da vida moderna, muitas pessoas têm cada vez menos tempo para dedicar à leitura. Juntos aqui, nos iremos explorar como a tecnologia pode ser utilizada a favor da leitura nos dias de hoje, e informações e dicas valiosas para melhorar a nossa experiência de leitura e torná-la mais satisfatória e significativa, desenvolvendo um hábito saudável e prazeroso.

View all posts by Samira De-Stefano Hofer →

6 thoughts on “Does THE perfect reading place exists?

  1. Interesting topic! My preferred reading place is the beach (since besides being an awesome place to read, it also means I‘m on holiday ?).

    1. Hi Kevin
      Thanks for stoping by!
      I looove reading at the beach as well, the ocean brings a peaceful setting. 🙂

    1. Hey Marija!
      Thanks for sharing. 🙂
      Being comfortable does make a difference on the reading experience.?

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