How To Create An Instagram Page For A Restaurant Business (VIDEO)

In The attached video You can see the main steps on how an Instagram business account is created.

In the video I share how the first step to create an Instagram account is to open an email which then will be used to open the Instagram account.

The second step after the Instagram account is opened the user can choose between two kind of accounts which are Personal account and Business account, and since into these blog posts I am sharing my ideas on how to create grow a business account I have chosen the business account.

The third step is Giving your Business Instagram page the business name and a good bio that will take viewers attention.

The fourth step is to publish good content as I have shown on the video and use good quotes on each post.

The crucial step are the Hashtags which I have added to every post and have created a hashtag community regarding my posts.

And the final step done into the video is making sure that the page posts looks good when the social media audience sees them.

There are many other steps that can be done after the page is established however on this post I am exploring only the establishing the page and the content.

After these steps are done the users can continue to edit in order to gain attention for their business page through the following steps such as:


Follow the influencers

Posts promotion with specific audience

Connection with other social media pages

Share quotes, good pictures and happy feeling of the clients.


Thank You



Denis Ibishi

My name is Denis Ibishi and I am a student of Online Business and Marketing in Hochschule Luzern. I strongly Believe in the power of social media and the benefits of them when aiming to grow an influence in any area of a society. I believe that digitalization and social media marketing are a now trend and will continue to be future trends for a long time. Therefore, in my blog posts I will explore the benefits of social media when attempting to grow the business of Fast Food Restaurants.

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