
Can we give CBD oil to our pets?

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In my previous posts I talked about the different CBD products, their benefits and side effects for humans.
In this post I will present you some of the conditions that many pets are suffering from and how these can be treated with CBD products.

CBD is a completely natural compound, it is non-intoxicating and for this reason pet owners prefer it than synthetic drugs.

Let’s see the most common conditions that pets are suffering from:

Anxiety and Stress

Some pets are suffering from some kinds of anxiety. Here are the most common ones:

  • Separation anxiety
    Some pets get anxious when their owners are not around. Giving them CBD treats or CBD oil before you leave, can help them deal with your absence.
  • Travel anxiety
    Giving them CBD treats or CBD oil before traveling by car or airplane might help them feel better.
  • Vet anxiety
    For some pets going to the vet is an uncomfortable experience. Giving them CBD treats or CBD oil prior to a visit may help reduce their anxiety.
  • Stranger anxiety
    Lots of pets are scared around strangers, so if you are going to have company over, some CBD treats or CBD oil can help reduce their fear.
  • Thunders or fireworks
    Many pets are really scared of loud noises, such as thunderstorms and fireworks. CBD treats or CBD oil may help them deal with the sudden, loud noises.

cbd treats for pets

Pain or Nausea

Joint pain, nerve damage, arthritis, or other related conditions that can cause chronic pain, are very common in older pets. CBD can help reduce your pet’s feeling of pain, as it interacts with parts of their brain and central nervous system. Its great anti-inflammatory function reduces swelling and other issues that chronic pain can cause.

For pets that are suffering from weak stomach, cancer or other health conditions, CBD oil is a great natural supplement to reduce the symptoms of nausea, as it interacts directly with serotonin, which stimulates the part of the brain that controls nausea.

dog playing


CBD helps to improve the immune system, reduce inflammations, and protect the skin health, thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants and omega-3 proteins.
Many pets are suffering from Allergies, rashes, or other skin issues.
CBD products, like creams, lotions or balms can alleviate allergy symptoms, such us inflammation, itchiness and pain.

Remember that CBD products will only help reduce the symptoms of your pet’s allergies. They will not cure or prevent the allergies from happening in the first place.

Health Conditions

Some pets are suffering from cancer or other health problems, which can lead to the loss of their appetite. CBD can help them eat their food, by reducing nausea and boosting their appetite.

Like humans, pets can also suffer from epilepsy or other disorders. CBD oil can be used to reduce the symptoms and the severity of the seizures.

Can we give our pets the same CBD oil that we use?

Yes! The only thing to be careful about is the proper dosage.

cat drinking water

CBD Side Effects for pets

Similarly to humans, pets can have some mild, but rare side effects, like drowsiness, dry mouth and lower blood pressure.

To avoid these side effects it is advised to start treating your pet with the smallest dose possible, and monitor their behavior carefully to see how it affects them before increasing their dose.

CBD products are a great solution for your pet, in case you don’t want to it to take prescription medication.
Your vet can help you figure out the right dose of CBD oil for your pet, depending on their age and health. 

Let me know in the comments below, if you have any pets and if you would give them CBD products!



I would like to clarify that everything written in this post is pure data collection from the sources above and it is not my personal opinion. My only aim is to raise awareness on the topic.

Previous Posts:

CBD: An unfortunate misunderstanding?
Therapeutic Cannabis: What is the difference between CBD and THC?
CBD Products: Do you know anything about them? (Video)
The CBD Oil Experience (Interview)
CBD Benefits -Let’s exlore them! (Short Video)
Can CBD cause any side effects? (Short video)

Vasia Theodoropoulou

Hello everyone! My name is Vasia and I am coming from Greece. I am an OBM master student and my goal is to become a digital marketing expert! Living in Basel, I enjoy walking by the Rhine river and having BBQs with friends. For the upcoming weeks my goal will be to raise awareness on a relatively taboo topic. Follow my posts to find out more!

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5 thoughts on “Can we give CBD oil to our pets?

  1. Wow this is a super interesting read! So interesting that pets can break down the CBD compound in their bodies just like us.

    1. Thank you Paam! I also didn’t know about it and it seems like a good solution for pets that are suffering from any of the conditions mentioned in the text!

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