How to start a life project… in Switzerland? Part One.

Alluding to your entrepreneurial spirit, look inside yourself for that desire to create something new that fills your life with meaning, what is it that you are looking for? Have you started to write it down? I don’t have the resources… I don’t have time… I don’t have, I don’t have, I don’t have… denials, the way you talk to yourself have emotional and physical repercussions to do whatever it is, that blockage, get rid of it, I know that… when we have time we spend it procrastinating, either playing on the cell phone, some console, checking the latest fashion trend, the garbage that we absorb from the media, or maybe you just spend it watching memes (I have nothing against them, they are good to laugh for a while, but just that). Are you in HSLU for what reason? You just want the title and that’s it? Or are you here for something else…?

I’ll tell you that when I came, it was with a mission in mind, a goal, I won’t tell you it’s to become the next Elon Musk, he is already that character that humanity has set as an example of success, but, what about your story? what about your dreams and goals, that is the real success story that you want to tell, that gives you satisfaction and you share it with your loved ones, or with whoever you want… in my case, my family, they are the engine that motivates me to continue day by day to achieve this project in mind.

Now, setting up a business in a foreign land, when you don’t know anything or anyone, constantly dealing with the language (mainly German), a pandemic that seems endless, reduced coexistence with other human beings, and so I could go on among so many obstacles that we would not finish, but let’s understand something, whatever in life is presented to us, no matter how difficult it may seem, we will have to modify it, transmute it, change it to perceive it as an OPPORTUNITY, as I have already mentioned in my past posts, it is your WILL and COMMITMENT what will take you to that… your destiny.


It starts as the drop that splits the rock.

Be constant, search and work every day whether the effort is small or big, soon you will find yourself putting the first stone in the construction of your company or project. I tell you this from experience, extrapolating the steps I followed to come here to Switzerland, which was the search for every bureaucratic detail, paperwork, etc. What you should do to form your company in COVID times, is to think for a while and write down those ideas, use your brain, that wonderful biological machinery that is in your head, so that the “imagination” and visualization, you can produce that which many perhaps we have said but never see reflected or materialized, that invention that you hope to see someday… DO IT! Write that idea, do not be afraid of what may come out of your mind, I remind you that everything that surrounds us, once was in the mind of a person, an architect, an engineer, doctors, etc.. I am not asking you to invent the wheel, but small changes make a big difference, everything is exposed to CHANGE, that is the only constant in our Universe.


He who gathers with wolves is taught to howl.

As we are social beings, your relationships with other beings may result in you surrounding yourself and being present in situations where you get to meet… your favorite artist, in my case, KRS-ONE, in yours… (idk, you tell me?).
The point of this is that with friendships, you can detect with whom to have a link that will help you to reach what you long for, now, do not misunderstand me (although you will do it when you read these words) is not to take advantage of people, here we talk about ethical and metaphysical terms, where both parties are winning, because this would be the proposal to do something together since one alone … will have potential, but in the end, I do not listen only to a flute when I’m in the middle of an orchestra presentation, it is the set of all these parts (musicians) that make the sound a sweet melody that fills your spirit. Make good friendships that constantly challenge you and I emphasize MIND, dare to dream.,,, working in Switzerland

Information is powerful but Knowledge is Power.

What do I mean by this? You see, we are saturated with information every day, but what do you really know about that information? and tell me what you have put into practice to understand it! That’s what knowledge is all about, information put into action. Take some time to detect what you are passionate about, what you are skilled at, are you a control freak? You could be a good business manager, are you good at math? Hey, help with calculations in the creation of a 3D prototype, what are you good at? Analyze yourself, this is a truthful statement, know yourself and you will know the World, because everything you see came from a human being (I don’t mean what is in nature…), from the infinite mind, and last time I checked, WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS, therefore, it is very likely that by knowing yourself, you will discover new things that maybe you were not even aware of, I invite you to take time and observe, REALLY OBSERVE, go to the garden, take the time to analyze a plant, maybe like me… the whole life cycle of that plant will become present to you in the details. Having clear the Knowledge part and exercising that power, we are already in good syntony to start your project.

Stay tuned for part two…


Mijail Dalzell

I consider myself a philosophical person, I studied business administration with a focus on consulting to find a logical sense to the internal actions of companies, I found that what I like is to provide help in any issue that arises in life, always willing to get involved in projects of high social impact, for the long term where I can make use of my hands and mind to give the creative solution for the present, I understand that everything has a cause and an effect, that everything lends itself to change because it is the only constant in our physical plane, is universal law, the key factor is to find a way to energize enough people to walk with an idealized goal in humanity by and for the welfare of all, expanding channels of communication, to this the answer is: Will.

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