5 Ways Deepfakes Can Impact Your Life

From Tom Cruise’s viral Tik Tok videos to Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas message, deepfakes have been trending again. As it appears, deepfakes do have a footing in politics and they can potentially impact the economy and elections. Such examples include President Ali Bongo’s controversial video which triggered suspicions on whether it is Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Ali himself, or ex-President “Obama” calling Donald Trump “a total and complete dipsh*t”. Whether one believes the message to be true or not, the concept of deepfakes raises many questions.

Are deepfakes a medium which can be used to explore new forms of creative expression, or are they a dangerous and damaging effect of technology moving too fast for society to keep up? Watch the video below to find out more!

If you are interested in creating a simple deepfake video, click here.


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Nicole Tay

A student who is pursuing her studies in Online Business and Marketing at HSLU, Nicole developed an interest in technology while working in innovation companies. She writes about disruptive trends and she has a professional background in communications. Her passion for gaming and reading trending news articles often exceeds her need for sleep. Drop her a text in the middle of the night and you would be surprised to find out that she is probably still awake!

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48 thoughts on “5 Ways Deepfakes Can Impact Your Life

  1. Very interesting and scary topic. I loved the last part of your video. Cannot wait for your next video!

    1. Hi Nissim, yes, it is scary especially when you consider that anyone can fake an identity easily. Thanks for dropping by!

  2. oh my God! Fakenews, Deepfakes! when is going to stop?!
    technology is cool but we need to regulate it soon!
    thank you Nicole! for this 😀

    1. Hey Mijail! That’s true! There are defamation and identity theft laws covering this. The question is how to prevent criminals from using deepfakes in a malicious way. Thanks for the encouraging comment. 🙂

  3. At the project I’m working on that enables video identification of the user, we’re actually also wondering about how we can protect the application against misuse with deepfakes.

    1. Hello Jonathan, thanks for dropping by. Oh, interesting. Did your team manage to come out with some effective measures?

  4. Nice Video Nicole and well presented. This is a interesting topic and this video and related information can help bring awareness to people about Deepfake and how it can impact our lives.

    1. Very informative and well presented! It’s really a scary world out there with many deep fakes around. Keep the videos coming! ??

    2. Hi Anthony, thanks for commenting. Yes, deepfake can really impact our lives negatively and positively! Feel free to check out my other posts about technology trends. 🙂

  5. Good job Nicole, this topic should be brought to everyone so people must be aware and double check before do financial transaction. Though deepfake is good for April fool day!

    1. Hello Chanchana, thanks for commenting. Yes, I agree with you and I hope that I can raise awareness with this video. 🙂

  6. Interesting topic. The would has been changed. Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see. In the other words, what we see is not always true.
    I love the video.

  7. Very interesting vdo and topic!

    The question is “Can we still trust what we see or hear?”

    …and how can we protect us from deepfake program/applications.

  8. Very interesting vdo and topic!

    The question is “Can we still trust what we see or hear?”

    …and how can we protect us from deepfake program/applications.

    1. Hello Kenny, thanks for the encouraging comment. Yes, I will be posting a few posts soon. Check back soon! 🙂

    1. Hello Mable, happy to hear that! I will be posting a few other articles. Check back soon! Thank you 🙂

  9. Interesting topic! Concerning to see how technology evolved only to be used by people in a malicious manner. Hopefully we’ll see more great uses of this technology in the near future!

    Informative and straight to the point video, great job 🙂

    1. Hello Stephanie, yes, it is indeed a concern when people misuse it, and I’m afraid it’s difficult to stop them, like with many other technologies. I’m optimistic though that we will see many useful applications too. Thank you for dropping by! 🙂

  10. Enjoyed the post and video on deepfakes Nicole! Interesting topic! I think as with all media platforms, user’s intent is key. I second the comments above on regulations – every action especially those with a malicious intent should have a consequence. Thank you for sharing and looking forward to your next posts/videos! 🙂

    1. Hey Sibelle, thanks for commenting. I think you are right about users’ intention. Your comment also reminded me of the mass shootings in America and the debate on whether gun control laws should be imposed. I am glad you find this interesting! I will be updating the blog soon. Hope that you would be back again! 🙂

  11. Wow! I had no idea about this subject until now. I have to admit, it scares me a bit haha. But I am looking forward for your next article!

    1. Hello Bianca, thanks for commenting. Yes, it can be scary! I will be updating soon. Hope to see you here again!

  12. Very interesting topic, Nicole and the way you explained it in video is really great! Is the rise of deepfakes can be a threat to democracy? Can’t wait the next post from you!

  13. Nice. Yeah deepfakes are destroying politics not just in the US but Canada as well and I’m sure globally.

  14. Hi Nicole!
    WOW! I found your video really cool and interesting! Such an appealing topic also! Who knew that deepfakes could have such a great impact on our lives? In the age of misinformation, how can we trust what we see on social media?
    Look forward to your next posts! 🙂

    1. Hey Francesca, thanks for the encouraging comment! I guess we may have to take everything we see online with a pinch of salt? 🙂

    1. Hello Demet, thanks for dropping by. Yes, it can be both exciting and scary!! Exponential tech is advancing so quickly! Do check out my other posts for tech trends. 🙂

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