Let’s Get Serious: 6 Digital Marketing Strategies

It’s important that you strive to create an online footprint for your brand if you want to succeed in today’s competitive digital marketplace.

Remember this simple fact: Google and Facebook make more profits than any other conventional advertising company because they have more eyeballs.

This is why digital marketing is important; it is where the eyeballs are focused.

Every business knows that without being visible on search engines (Bing is also out there) you don’t really exist. Ask BMW what happens when you annoy Google. (Google Imposes a Ban on BMW Web Site)

Customers are essential for your company to thrive and prosper. You must increase the business’ online presence in order to attract customers.  Because every website is unique, it’s critical to tailor digital marketing campaigns to each one.



Here are six simple steps to guide your online and digital marketing

1. Get to know your customers: Create a Marketing Persona

A marketing persona helps you to generate focused content and to target your ideal customer. It will act as a reminder to you to prioritize your audience’s wishes and desires above your own.

A marketing persona is a detailed overview of the consumer that is similar to your target market.

It is a fictitious customer who represents the attributes of your best possible clients. Pretty similar to a focus group.

This consumer persona will be given a name, demographic information, preferences, and behavioural characteristics. You’ll be aware of their objectives, pain points, and purchasing habits.

Anything from product creation to brand voice to social media platforms will be driven by the buyer persona.

Here are online resources to build a buyer persona:

  1. User persona template
  2. make-my-persona

2. Identify Your Goals and Manage Your Tools

Examine your company’s campaigns from previous years to evaluate your performance. You might discover that you need a change of direction.

Examine the products and services to see if any improvements are needed for better performance.

Goals are the keys to your strategy. Build solid strategy with defined priorities and targets. Be sure that your targets are detailed relevant and measurable.

They lay out the marketing team’s goals, provide specific instructions to team members, and provide content for executives to study and help.

3. Examine the Digital Marketing Platforms You’re Using

What are the touchpoints you are using to communicate with your stakeholders?

Examine the tools and platforms you are using like the website, social media accounts, Google Adwards, paid advertising, and so on.

Consider the following questions: how successful were they, and how can they be strengthened for next year?

Assess tools that you haven’t tried before like Marketing Influencer to reach new markets.

Adapt your search engine optimization for the business to improve the search engine results.

4. Use Marketing Automation Tools

Time is an expensive resource. Small businesses don’t have the same resources as big companies.

It is important to use new technologies and software to automate marketing. It’s simple for businesses to advertise more efficiently online through multiple channels (email, social media, websites, lead generation) and automate routine tasks.

You can use tools like:

  1. Customer.io
  2. Constant Contact
  3. HubSpot

You and your staff will have more time to spend on other projects if you automate your marketing.

5. It’s the Mobile Era

As of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide. Of this total, 92.6% (4.32 billion) accessed the internet via mobile devices.

People use mobile devices for many purposes: From checking emails, tracking the news, interacting with friends on social media, to ordering services and shopping.

Your website should be designed to have an optimized mobile interface.

Your site’s page speed, design, and navigation, among other items, should ensure that users using mobile devices have a positive experience.

6: Eat, Sleep, Market, Repeat: Monitor the Process

Depending on the campaign’s objective, the success of the campaign will be calculated using a variety of metrics.

These are the fundamental metrics that will set off all of the other metrics we’re looking for: leads, revenue, traffic, visibility, and branding.

To ensure that the strategy is functioning well, it should be constantly monitored and assessed.

There is a long list of marketing strategy tools available to support you in preparing and evaluating your efforts.

ActiveCampaign, SharpSpring, and Hatchbuck are some of the most popular ones.


Designing a digital marketing campaign process is time-consuming, but with a successful and well-thought-out approach, it can be much simpler.


Check out my other blog posts. Which one is did you like the most? ❤️ ?

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Top 8 points in your SEO checklist



Image 1: Kaboompics on Pexels

Image 2: Anete Lusina on Pexels


How to Define and Measure Marketing Objectives: A Start-to-Finish Guide

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for Beginners in 10 Steps

Why Are Mobile Friendly Websites and Content Important?

How to Create a Buyer Persona

Buyer Personas 101: The Qualitative & Quantitative Process

How to Optimize Your Online Marketing Plan: A 4-Step Process

Global digital population as of January 2021

ben aharon nissim

Post, post, post! Why doesn’t it always work? Did you ever ask yourself how to increase traffic on your website? How to improve your visibility on Google? Which marketing strategy will work for you best? Let’s go down the rabbit hole and discover how you can market your business online, manage successful campaigns and much more. Hi, my name is Nissim. I have been living in Switzerland for a while and I have been working in online marketing for more than a decade. I will share my insights, tips and recommendations with you. Also - I am addicted to coffee, I am a technology enthusiast, I dream of owning a dog, and I would love to have a drink with Elon Musk. If you wish me to create content on a specific topic, make sure to write it in the comments section below. Thanks!

View all posts by ben aharon nissim →

32 thoughts on “Let’s Get Serious: 6 Digital Marketing Strategies

      1. Thank you very much Lisa! I appreciate your feedback. ? Have a great week ahead and keep following for the next post.

    1. Thank you very much Evgeniy, I hope you have found it informative and insightful.

  1. Dear Nissim,

    Thank you for a wonderful and very insightful article. I would love to read more about Search Engine Optimization in one of your upcoming posts. To be more precise: How can I improve my website in a way that it becomes more Search Engine friendly?

    1. Dear Najeem, I am so happy to hear that the article helped you with your assignment. I will definitely look for other option to meet Elon Musk ?

  2. Such an interesting topic!
    You simplified each step and made it applicable to marketers everywhere.
    Great work. I look forward to reading your next posts!

    1. This is so helpful – exactly what I’ve been looking for. So many useful links: thank you for bringing it all together in such a clear way.
      P.s. I’m a fan of this blog already!

      1. Hello Alexandra, I am so happy you like the blog and that you find it useful. ?

  3. Very interesting article, clear and informative! Looking forward to reading other tips regarding this topic!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment Elena 🙂 – The next post is writinng itself already!

  4. Nissim this is an excellent and focused content Thank you very much!
    When you are going to bring a dog???
    I really want this kind of dog – bernersennen

    1. Thank you very much for the comment Yaara. Regarding the dog – Pudel is my favourite. ❤️

  5. This would be useful for companies looking to increase their online presence! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hallo Mister Nissim. Brilliant! Your Marketing persona reminds me of Jeff Bezos’s one empty chair rule- did he get that from you?

    1. Hello Lukas, funny as always 🙂
      I suggested him to use the empty-house-on-the-weekends rule, but he chose only a chair. No wonder he is not the richest person in the world anymore. ?

    1. Thx Carla, the next one is already in the making 🙂 I will keep you posted! ?

  7. Wow! I will definitely use your tips for the company I currently work with. Thank you Nissim for such a useful article!

  8. Hi Bianca, thank you for the lovely words. I hope that you will find my next article even more interesting ?

    1. Thank you very much Shimi, I will let you know when the next post will be online ? ?

  9. Great Post! I did not know about the tools you have mentioned! Made sure to save it in my notes for future use! Thank you!

  10. Thank you so much for this useful information. I was reading them and it opened my sight to many things. Keep up with the great job and keep us posted in your blog.

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