Smart Home Tech: What is Z-Wave?

What Z-Wave is and how Z-Wave works? Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation; it focusses on connectivity within the Smart Home. It was born from an idea by Zensys, a Danish company in 1999 and is built as a mesh …

The perfect podcast: Dos and Don’ts

Hi all! Unfortunately, I can hardly find time for interviews with experts and have to change my plans. If today was to be a podcast article with a professional of the genre, I switch to another post rather fun and straight forward: the do’s and …

Sharing Economy

The Sharing Economy bursts in with a new force into the field of Real Estate. The Sharing Economy implies money savings on the things that you can just rent for temporary use but don’t need to buy. This approach is advantageous in that case, that …

Natur pur im Fextal: Panorama-Wanderung im Graubünden.

Unweit von den Touristenmassen in St. Moritz liegt ein Tal, welches noch so unberührt und authentisch ist wie vor 100 Jahren. Im Fextal lässt sich wunderbar ein verlängertes Wochenende mit Freunden, Partner/in oder Familie verbringen. Ich verrate euch die schönsten Wanderwege ins Tal, wo ihr kulinarische Highlights erleben könnt und welche weltberühmte Persönlichkeit dieses Juwel im Oberengadin auch besucht hat.

Could machines be conscious?   Seriously?! Are machines really conscious? Are they aware of what they are doing, can be embarrassed, disappointed, joyful and satisfied with their actions? Since in my last blog post concerns about machines taking over human tasks have arisen, today I want to shed …

Interview avec un expert en stratégie numérique

A l’occasion de ce nouvel article de blog, j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir interviewer Monsieur David Labouré, expert en stratégie numérique chez Debout sur la table. David Labouré travaille depuis de longues années dans le digital et plus particulièrement dans les médias sociaux grâce …