This series of articles about work & study hacks has unfortunately already come to an end, however, this doesn’t mean that your journey in search of new inspiration for organization and productivity is over too. For this reason, I decided that my last post would be about must-read books to become even more motivated and productive.
Get ready to screenshot the following titles!
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
This New York Times bestseller published in 2012 offers interesting insights on how important habits are and how they can improve both our personal and business aspects of our lives.The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (photo source: - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo
This lovely read isn’t only about the fundamentals of minimalism and decluttering (Read Stella’s blog to discover more about it!), in fact it also shows the effects that these approaches have not only on our closets, but also on our moods, behaviours and lives.The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (Photo source: - Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity, by Charles Duhigg
Five years after the best seller “The Power of Habit”, Duhigg published another work about productivity. With the help of science, behavioural economics, the opinions of experts and the key 8 concepts of productivity, Duhigg explains why some people and companies get more things done than others.Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity (Photo source: - Unsubscribe: How to Kill Email Anxiety, Avoid Distractions, and Get Real Work Done, by Jocelyn K. Gley
Remember my article about how to avoid distraction while working and studying? In this book published in 2016 the author offers a guide on how to stop getting e-mail anxiety and ultimately get back and focus on what really matters.

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey
Described as “The #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century” with over 40 millions of copies sold, this is considered by the community one of the most effective and influential books about the topic. This work will guide you through the 7 most common habits that unite successful people.

I hope this post made you include one of these readings in your book list for the summer. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with incredible productivity and organization skills, however this doesn’t mean that learning and acquiring them is not possible! The process can be long, but with small steps everyday you’ll be amazed by how much you can achieve. Thank you for following me during this blog journey, I really hope you could find something interesting that made your work & study life a little bit better. Here below you can find a recap of the other 9 posts:
- Escaping the 9-5 culture – your struggles are my struggles
- Why Smart Working?
- The Organizational Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed, PArt I: Pomodoro Timer
- 2 apps to make you stop scrolling through Instagram (or whatever distracts you)
- 10 simple tips & tricks that will step up your home-office’s game (and your life during quarantine!)
- What Is a Bullet Journal & Why You Should Start One
- The Organizational Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed, Part II:
- 4 Must Have For A Functional Home Office
- Vision Board: What Does It Mean & How To Create One Online
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash
Hi Vero! “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” has been for a long time on my list… now is definitely time to check it out! 🙂 thanks for the inspiring and useful blog posts!
Ciao Vero, thank you for those book tips! We actually discussed “7 Habits” in our English class in college and I agree, it’s a great read. I can’t wait to pick one of these out and read it in the sun this summer. 🙂
Hey Vero, amazing! Thank you for sharing some book tips! I will definitely read one of these during the summer break. Thank you very much, I really love your whole blog series!