How to pursue your self-knowledge journey? My book recommendations

For this final blog post, we are going to discuss self-knowledge books. I share with you my favorite ones in the video below. I hope you’ll find these recommendations useful.


Please let me know in the comments below: have you ever read one of these books? What are your personal favorite self-knowledge books? And finally: what is your biggest takeaway from all my articles?

It was a pleasure to share my passion with you on this blog for the past 10 weeks. I hope you found it useful and you are now on your way to know yourself and take control over your life. Thank you for following me on this journey and giving me your support.

See you soon hopefully.

And until then, take care!

Mentioned in this video:

  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Buy it:

  • Heal your Wounds & Find your True Self by Lise Bourbeau

Buy it:

  • The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz

Buy it:

  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Buy it:

  • The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Buy it:

Juliette Giroux

As a future User Experience Designer (hopefully!), I am passionate about the humans’ psychologist mechanisms. Everything started two years ago when I read a book that changed my life forever: The Four Agreements. It introduced me to the universe of self-knowledge and self-development, which helped me understand myself better and deal with my inner struggles. My goal is now to share the knowledge I have acquired, in an accurate yet accessible way, to hopefully help others. I know the term “self-development” is sometimes misused or overused, but I will show you that it can be an amazing tool, when you get access to the right information.

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12 thoughts on “How to pursue your self-knowledge journey? My book recommendations

    1. Hello Lucie,
      Thank you for your comment. I hope you’ll like them!
      See you soon,

  1. I have not yet read any of your books but there are definitely one or two I would love to put on my reading list! I really enjoyed reading all your blog posts and am a bit sad that there will are no „Juliette‘s blog Tuesdays“ anymore. You put so much effort and passion into every single article! M biggest take away is that although we are all very busy it is super important to take the time and get to know yourself better as this helps you within your relationships or within your professional career and also to better assess or understand the people you are in contact with.

    1. Hello Katharina,
      Thank you for your positive feedback. I hope you’ll like the books if you decide to read them. Your kind words really moved me. I’m glad I could raise your awareness on self-knowledge and I hope you’ll keep going on your journey.
      See you soon,

  2. I know Juliette since a year, and yet I can tell, she this kind of person that can change a life, or at least have a big impact on it.

    I’m must be honest I haven’t followed Juliette’s posts with accuracy, in fact there is parts I just skipped, in totally not in the mood since weeks, I’m not receptive.

    But I took time to writing these lines because I know some of my flaws. One is, to be lazy and not doing things, and then regret and hate myself for not doing those after.
    For once, there won’t be time I regret not telling Juliette how grateful I’m and how proud of her work she can be.

    And this will be thanks to Juliette, thanks to her way to share about her passion and interest in others.
    Because it’s truly amazing, and inspiring, and helpful.

    I’m not into self-development myself, but I get the idea, this allowed me to draw some lines to not cross, for myself, to try to go forward, to go through.

    Like in her posts, Juliette has explained me different tools, different approaches, some of them are totally bullshit to me, some other I just don’t get or remember, and yet she managed to introduce me to some ideas that I understand. With the same care, the same effort she put in her words to be able to accessible to everyone.

    I really hope her work of sharing her passion will help others.
    Well… in fact, I’m quite sure it will.

    1. Hello Ben,
      Thank you for this comment that moved me a lot. I’m quite speechless. I’m so happy I could have such a positive impact on you. There is nothing that matters to me more than helping others feel better. Thank you so much for your unconditional support. I’m forever grateful.
      Take care and see you soon,

  3. Thank you so much for the recommendations Juliette, I’m sure these books are really helpful. I read the four agreements some years ago and it really changed my life too. I hope I could find some time to read some of these books recommendations.
    Thank you for being so passionate about everything you do, it’s really inspiring. ???

    1. Hello Laura,
      Thank you for your feedback. I hope you’ll like the books if you decide to read them. If you’re already a lover of the Four Agreements I can only encourage you to read the Mastery of Love first. You should like it.
      Thank you so much for your encouragements, it’s really nice to read.
      See you soon,

  4. Great video again Juliette, I will definitely add some of your recommendations to my “to read” list for the summer. I enjoyed your blog posts a lot, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us throughout the past weeks.

    1. Hello Eszter,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I hope your summer will be filled with these nice readings.
      Thank you for reading, I enjoyed having you as my reader a lot.
      Take care,

  5. Great video and great last blog Juliette, I will definitely add some of your books recommendatios on my reading list!

    1. Hello Karen,
      Thank you so much for your nice comment. Hope you’ll like the books 🙂
      Take care,

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