How Blockchain can help you to become location-independent (don’t miss personal story and photos)

Have you ever dreamt of working on your laptop under swaying palms watching the sunset while sipping coconut water and listening to the ocean whisper? For sure, it would be better to omit the part  “working” but the reality is such that if you are not a billionaire successor then you need to earn your living. Many people have decided to become Digital Nomads – freely- roaming-around-the-globe online businessmen, freelancers and techno geeks, doing so, because they feel exhausted of inflexible 9-to-5 job schedule and don’t find time for their hobbies or families. Blockchain can offer Digital Nomads and people who want to become Location-Independent the perfect opportunity to follow their dreams. 

First, let’s see who exactly are Digital Nomads.

Digital Nomads

the rising phenomenon of the past decade, shaking up the traditional ways of living, working and traveling. The remote souls, the nomads, digital entrepreneurs and free radicals born global. The ones unbound by national borders, industry sectors or conventional models. Those who settle for nothing less than a larger purpose, crafted by intrinsic curiosity, self-reliance and perseverance.

Many think that Digital Nomads and Location-Independent are synonyms. It is true that Digital Nomads are free to choose the city where they want to wake up next morning and plan a holiday in a whim. They can work from coffee shop, beach or co-working area. However, being a Digital Nomad is not entirely the same as to be Location-Independent

Being a Digital Nomad vs Location-Independent

To be Location-Independent worker means that you can be home-based, you can have family, library, garden, and even pets. At the same time, you don’t need to work 9-to-5 and be in the office even if you don’t have task to do today. You may go for a longer travel without counting the limited days of holiday. When you want you can choose your holiday and not fight with your colleagues over holidays in Christmas time. You have place to come back, where you can curl up, recover and empower yourself for future adventures. Your day can start with a work session or a walk at the lake or a sport session in a fitness center. It is always your decision. Of course, such a spontaneous and self-organized life schedule is not for everybody. Some people like rigid and planned life-style with certainty and stability but this blog post is not about them. My thoughts today are with free souls and out-of-the-box thinkers. My interest and research on Blockchain are closely connected to my pursuit to become a Location-Independent businesswoman, maybe sometimes a Digital Nomad, maybe sometimes an office worker. I want to choose myself what story I write for me today. And here is my story, which I have already written and which will bring me to the new to-be-written ones. It is done just to understand how Blockchain technology and  Location-Independent lifestyle can combine with each other.

My journey

  1. How it started

Before setting on the journey which, I consider, I am still on, I had a decent office job in the known international company.  It was interesting in the beginning and backbreaking at the end. I couldn’t bear anymore sitting at the computer 8 hours per day and do some routine job.  The decision was made. I quit and found a job as Holiday Rep in India. My introduction to the travel industry opened the world for me. I fell in love with travel. My very existence was shaken with the cultural shock and my mind borders expanded. To be out of comfort zone became my existential therapy. As a result I worked and traveled for 6 years in South-Eastern Asia.  India, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, in all of these countries I stayed at least 1 month. My work was seasonal and I was based for 6 months to 1 year in one place and the rest of the year I could travel anywhere I wanted.

2. Where it brought me

On my journey in South and South-Eastern Asia I worked as Holiday Rep, Guide, Yoga Teacher, Dive Instructor. The more and more doors have opened to me.  I followed spiritual and extreme sports paths. Never in my life I felt so free. All my health and social issues vanished. I was fascinated by Asia, by its food, people, nature. I was healthy, happy and awake. I knew there was no way for me to come back the desk job, unless I starve.  At my last destination, Thailand, where I spent 2 years of my life in harmony with nature working as dive instructor, I met my husband. My love story with Asia would be never over but Switzerland was waiting for me. I was already quite tired of the nomadic life out of the half-opened backpack and was looking forward to new challenges in Europe.

3. What is the next step

Now I am in Switzerland. I have a family and after certain attempts to come back to a “regular office job” I understood that my seek of freedom has just started. That is why I decided to study Online Business and Marketing in HSLU. In these studies I saw the potential of making my dream of being a Location-Independent worker true. I could finally become my own boss.  At the beginning I thought I would become a Digital Nomad but then I realized that 6 years of packing and unpacking my backpack made me home-sick: not of the place where I was born and grew up but the place where I could find refuge.

My research and professional interests narrowed down to Blockchain and its applications. I found out that Blockchain can provide me with the great opportunities to do something extremely fascinating and to become Location-independent businesswoman.

It turned out that the crypto community is also fond of independence and particularly – decentralization.

There is a closely held historical relationship between people participating in the cryptocurrency evolution and digital nomads. Digital Nomads in crypto community

One of the reasons of crypto community tending to be Digital Nomads and Location-Independent workers is the global scale of Blockchain development. There are no geographical or cultural borders for the technology. All the work life of a crypto individual is inside her laptop. Conferences, transactions, banking are all  held online. The way of thinking in crypto community is beyond of understanding for the most population. Many people can’t understand the value of digital money. On the other hand, crypto people can’t understand why the value of regular money is different from digital currencies because both of them have no tangible value. The scary thought of loosing control is a great obstacle to the idea of decentralization. At the present moment crypto community and society live in two parallel worlds coming in contact through different industries, which use Blockchain. The good news is that it is changing. And, now almost everybody can create the company working with Blockchain technology.

This business model based on Blockchain is known as a Smart company. It can be established in any industry that is compatible with Blockchain. It is run on one of the Blockchain platforms, for instance Ethereum (, uses cryptocurrency for transactions and has all the advantages of Blockchain technology: transparency, immutability and security, while the platform provide legal frame and versatility. You just need to create the company, register it on the platform and make the company viable. After all the experience I obtained it seems like now is a right time to give it a try and become my own boss with the help of Blockchain.



3 thoughts on “How Blockchain can help you to become location-independent (don’t miss personal story and photos)

  1. Really enjoyed this blog post! I like the idea of Digital Nomads and it is becoming more and more popular. Due to this current situation with the Virus, I definitely believe it is becoming a new trend to do everything and anything digital.

  2. Thank you so much for opening up and telling us your story – it was a really interesting read! I would also love to try such a lifestyle one day ^^

  3. Hello Elena, I liked a lot your post and your story is very exciting as well as motivating. Wish that one day I would also have an opportunity to work on my laptop under swaying palms watching the sunset!

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