Smart Home Tech: What is Z-Wave?

What Z-Wave is and how Z-Wave works?

Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation; it focusses on connectivity within the Smart Home. It was born from an idea by Zensys, a Danish company in 1999 and is built as a mesh network. According to Z-Wave, in this framework, each non-battery device added to your network becomes a repeater, which means your network becomes stronger as you add more devices.

In other words, it allows smart home devices to connect and exchange control commands and data with each other. Simpler? Picture it as a translator, it translates the language of each device into a common language, enabling all devices to speak with each other.

This technology allows the owner to become creative with device sequences. For example: Upon the command of “good night” to the owner’s hub the TV switches off, all light are dimmed to a relaxing mode, relaxation music starts playing and the front door is locked. These sequences are only possible with a central communicator such as Z-Wave.

How does it work? If you have internet access, the Z-Wave hub receives a command via your phone, tablet or computer and routes the command to the destination device.

What are the advantages of Z-Wave?

  • Ability to connect devices from different manufactures and all through one single app.
  • Secure technology. Z-Wave technology uses strong encryption and security features, similar to the ones used by banks to protect online banking.
  • Less interferenc. Z-Wave uses a different wireless band than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It will not interfere with your Wi-Fi signal and operates on low power

Very important to note: You cannot connect devices directly with your phone, you need a smart home hub or Z-Wave controller to connect all your devices such as Harmony Hub or SmartThings Hub. Watch out for my next post where I present the different options for smart hubs!

But once you have your hub in place, you can connect all the Z-Wave products available like Smart lights, locks, thermostats, plugs and more!


Isabela Saavedra Orjuela

Hi everyone, I am Isabela, I am from Colombia and I am studying a MsBA in Online Business and Marketing at HSLU. I am passionate about intercultural communications, arts, knowledge and technology. That is why I want you to join me in this adventure to discover the smart home’s world! Whether you are longing for a smarter/comfortable apartment, to save costs, make your life easier or just have fun, this blog is for you! -Do you have some questions? Comments or something you would like to learn? Do not hesitate! I hope to hear from you in the comments section of the blog!

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2 thoughts on “Smart Home Tech: What is Z-Wave?

  1. I think it is very cool how you can connect all your household devices and control them easier. It is interesting what technology can do and also creating a more smart and sustainable home.

    1. Victoria! Indeed, is very interesting how technology has evolved to allows us to connect our household devices and control them in an easy way! as you say, technology could help us to create a more smart an sustainable home!

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