Digital Detox – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Digitale Medien und Geräte sind in der heutigen Zeit kaum mehr wegzudenken. Jugendliche verbingen bis zu vier Stunden pro Tag am Handy. Doch was machen solche digitalen Medien und Smartphones mit uns? Milena* und ihr Freund sind dieser Frage nachgegangen und haben zwei Wochen auf …

10 Must-Have Apps fürs Reisen in der Schweiz!

Damit deine Reise eine tolle Erfahrung wird und wie am Schnürchen verläuft, braucht es Vorbereitung und Planung. Vor Ära Internet gab es etliche Tools, die es anzuschaffen galt wie zum Beispiel Karten, Reiseführer, Notizbücher, Taschenrechner, Zugpläne etc. um deine Reise zu planen. Heutzutage kannst du …

The perfect podcast: Q&A

Hello, hello! Can you believe it? These are the last words I am typing for this project. I had such a great time sharing with you the little knowledge I gained from reading so many articles and talking to super interesting professionals. For this last …

Saving money – 4 simple steps

Covid-19 has turned the world upside down. Most people are working from home, are employed on short-time work or even have already lost their jobs. The economic consequences are enormous. On the one hand this uncertainty can lead to financially worries. On the other hand …

Smart Home Tech: What is Z-Wave?

What Z-Wave is and how Z-Wave works? Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation; it focusses on connectivity within the Smart Home. It was born from an idea by Zensys, a Danish company in 1999 and is built as a mesh …

The perfect podcast: Dos and Don’ts

Hi all! Unfortunately, I can hardly find time for interviews with experts and have to change my plans. If today was to be a podcast article with a professional of the genre, I switch to another post rather fun and straight forward: the do’s and …