Smart Air Purifiers: Can they help with your allergies?

The answer is yes, an air purifier can help with allergies as long as it uses a True HEPA filter. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology  (IEST) dictates that a HEPA filter must trap 99.97% of particulates 0.3 microns or larger which includes pollen, mold spores, pet dander, dust, …

Smart Home Tech: What is Z-Wave?

What Z-Wave is and how Z-Wave works? Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation; it focusses on connectivity within the Smart Home. It was born from an idea by Zensys, a Danish company in 1999 and is built as a mesh …

Smart Home Tech: Smart Locks!

When it comes to locking and unlocking your front door, a conventional lock probably does the job but let me take you on a journey to discover the wonderful world of Smart Locks! First, what can a smart lock do? Smart locks can provide you …