State of exception – Life slows down

“Train your mind to see the good in every situation”

Probably it could never be a better timing to deal with minimalism. I am fully aware of all the downsides of this madness but in this blog article I want to focus on how to make the best out of the current state and embrace the positive aspects.

Some might struggle with so much “free” time which in reality does not feel like freedom. Our favorite bars and restaurants are closed. All kind of leisure activities are shut down. Social contacts are reduced to the minimum.

The big question is what to do now?

Well now is the best time to slow down and dedicate and use the time wisely. You are actually with less now, with less social contacts, less shopping in your favorite stores, less going out with your friends. To sum up you are apparently forced to be a minimalist if you want it or not.

Finally take the time to enter into a dialogue with yourself. In the fast-paced world, it is difficult to find a moment to pause and take a deep breath. It is because within this consumer driven community, we get bombarded with advertisements which tell us that we always need more, better, newer and faster stuff. For our society it is more important what we own than what we do. Constantly we are surrounded by wishes and expectations of people around us and have a lot of obligations to fulfill.

At the end what’s the point of all of this if we don’t make ourselves a priority?Studies have shown that if you do not take the time for yourself you will not be able to create your own personality and anticipate the life you truly want.

Therefore, I want you to focus now on three questions:

  • What are the things out there you are really missing the most?
  • What really brings value to your life?
  • What are the things you realized you wasted your valuable time with?

This acknowledgment and appreciation of life is what brings us a deep sense of gratitude. So, if we really dig in, we will find more and more of what we are grateful for right now. The current state we are living in gives us the opportunity to look at things in a different way and to value everything a little bit more.

For now, I also try to make the most out of this time-out. I personally would recommend starting with easy steps to not get overwhelmed:

  • Try to remove distractions as well as possible. For example, put your phone away for a certain period during the day to devote yourself completely one thing at a time.
  • Although life has turned upside down, try not to lose your daily habits and keep up with a personal schedule the best you can.
  • Don’t forget to go out for a walk or a run do get fresh air. This will help you to get a clear mind and keep you healthy.

Feel free to share your experiences and ideas in the comment section below.

Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash


German girl living in Switzerland, enrolled to an MSc in Online Business and Marketing. I am interested in sustainability and the "less is more" movement. I want to share with you valuable insights about this concept and how to apply it into your daily life.

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10 thoughts on “State of exception – Life slows down

  1. Great post! I really appreciate your tips. Last week was my first week of fully being at home and I was constantly distracted by everything. I’m also not proud of my frequent trips to my snack cabinet, and the fact that I only went running twice (and I almost died). So this week, after the initial shock I will try to create a healthier environment! How are you keeping up?

    1. Hey Olivier, thank you for your comment. I am happy you liked my tips. I try to reorganize myself to be as productive as possible – still for me my phone is my biggest distraction.. I am working on it 😉
      I think running twice is already better than not going at all. Keep up with it 🙂
      If you are interested in simple but healthy food – stay tuned, this will definitely be a topic in one of my next blog posts.

  2. Great post, Stella and definitely more up-to-date than ever. I also realised how important “me” time is, whether it is with friends or in a relationship. Currently we are all “stuck” at home but I feel with university and home office, life still doesn’t slows down, therefore going out for some fresh air helps me to regain my focus.

    1. Hey Katharina, thank you for your comment. Yes for many of us the workload remains the same and it is more about reorganizing your daily life. Our home is currently not only our “safe haven”, it combines work and retreat under one roof. To still feel comfortable at home it is vital to create room and time for some relaxation and self care.

  3. Hey Stella! Thank you so much for this post, it’s perfect for this particular moment 🙂 Would you recommend to write down the answers to your three questions?

    1. Hey Margherita, thank you for your comment! It depends on your own I guess – but personally I would recommend to write it down in your personal booklet. Like this you can keep track on your developments and it constantly reminds you what you are thankful for. 🙂

  4. What crazy times do we find ourselves in…! Thank you for your perspective on how to focus on those positive aspects of these circumstances!
    For me, those are my weekday morning routine that helps me get ready for another day in my home classroom / living room (which, as you said it, is hard to separate and combine right now), the extra time that I spend cooking all those fancy (yet simple and pantry friendly) meals on the weekends and my neatly planted seeds on my sunny windowsill. Despite everything mad happening out there, they’re sprouting more and more every day. And eventually they’ll be blossoming and carrying fruits in all their beauty, teaching us the strength of life.
    All the best to you and your loved ones, Stella – let’s all stay socially distanced but virtually connected in our hearts!

  5. I love this post! This is exactly what I needed to read during these days. My mind is usually very “loud” and “noisy” because we have so much going on all the time. This “silence” we’re experiencing now is challening, but also an opportunity to reconnect to what really matters. Unfortunately it easier said than done, but I’ll try to put more effort in how I’ll use my time from now on. How are you coping with this situation?

    Can’t wait to read more!

    1. Hi Veronica, I am happy to hear that you’ve liked the post. Yes, it is really challenging for everyone of us but also seen as a huge opportunity to finally “reset” your mindset. I also still have to organize and adapt myself to this new environment but I try to take it day by day and not set myself under a lot of pressure.

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