To Be The First One or Create The Difference

Which one better or important than the other? You could definitely be a milestone when you’re first, but you’ll be memorable if you make a difference.


Nobody asks do you have an internet connection, the real question is do you have wifi? That is the breaking point of the online world after 30 years. The first step of guys who worked at UCLA got succeed with the imperative shortened message was “LO” instead of ” LOG IN “. Regrettably, the system was down after the first two letters. Who remembers the queen of England as the politician sending the first e-mail? Most of the people who have a computer or smartphone well know Mark Zuckerberg than their distant cousins. Facebook was not the first one at social networks these were “Friendster” and then “myspace” as well as “hi5”.  He created the difference.



As economically e-commerce was started in online platforms at the ’90s. When the first economic waves were calmed at ‘2000s. Y2K crisis should not be forgotten. The system started to needs of own economic criterions that could be an interesting research area as difficulties of digitalization. Vulnerabilities that cannot be solved in 50 years found one’s own level under the routing domains of the new shape of finance with the different ways as first one Paypal, later on, the cryptocurrency that was confirmed by Switzerland Federal Council and World Bank at 2014. Bitcoin was not a Ponzi scheme for certain.



When we return to the essence of the subject that creates the difference, the wifi technology allowed personalization boundlessly. What I understand there is no limit for that is never gonna be the same because the internet has not an appointment system like offices, phone or TV. We don’t have to wait for anything.


If you (would) ask me, the apps have already started to shape the personalization at the future of finance. I mainly want to focus on the personal use of finance and technology and to make a difference about it is business to consumers rather than business to business.



While many governments around the world discuss the call in of cash, especially in Europe will need advice on the gap. The action of U.K As a result of street interviews in the next blog, there will be new proposals by trying to determine the mobile economic apps trends of people. Some concerns by Denmark


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