What Stress has to do with Millenials. And Cows.

What would be on my mind – if I had time for it.
When I got ready to go to work this morning I heard a report on the radio.
A study found out that 40 % of all adults between the age of 19 and 29 suffer from insomnia caused by stress and too much pressure to succeed (I will link the study as soon as I can dig it out from the deep spheres of the internet) .

This hit home. Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to complain by any means. I chose for my life to be the way I am currently living it.

It still struck me that stress and its consequences have such a high impact on the performance and health of my millennial generation. As it obviously does not only affect me I decided to start my blog surrounding this topic.

But what is stress? Where does it come from?
To sum it up very briefly – it’s in our genes. According to science, stress happens when external impressions lead to either physical or psychological reactions, which as a return leads to even more pressure.

When you feel stress your psyche and body go into the so called “fight- or flight mode”, so both can adapt to the occurring situation. This means adrenalin is being liberated, your pulse gets faster, muscle activity increases and your breathing frequency increased. Feeling stress over a long period of time can lead to severe chronical damages or physical and mental breakdowns, which we clearly want to avoid for our future!

How am I approaching this topic?
When thinking about the people in my environment who are most stressed Start Up Founders came to my mind immediately. But upon a Google research of the word “Start Up” and “Stress” an overwhelming amount of around 300 Million results pop up.

Therefore during the next couple of weeks, I will try and take a different approach. Looking into the minds and thoughts of people who are mostly affected by those factors and are a part of Gen Y. My goal is to find start-up founders and consultants that are willing to talk about how they handle stress while living a life with little to no time on their hands. I will try and integrate their experiences in my daily life and share those experiences on my blog – learning from the best, one could say.

In case this shocked you and you now need a quick stress reliever; according to studies cuddling cows is supposed to be your rescue. And let’s be honest, somewhere in Switzerland there is definitely a cow looking for some love.

Maybe this blog will also help you to bring a little more chill into your life.



Disclaimer: I am only describing content I found online, therefore I cannot guarantee the correctness of medial facts.


Studying, working, sports and life overall can be very stressful. Follow me on my journey to a more relaxed life.

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4 thoughts on “What Stress has to do with Millenials. And Cows.

  1. I relate to this post very much since I am always stressed. Lately, instead of taking my stress on others, now I try to change my reaction and reflect what is stressing me so I can change the situation ✨.

  2. Hey Elsa, never thought of cuddling a cow, I’ll give it a try. Sometimes it’s really hard to cope with the stress and the anxiety it comes with it. Would be interesting to know more about how young people with ‘stressful’ jobs deal with it. Because I’m working and studying and I often don’t even have the energy to do 30minutes work-out during the week.

  3. Hi Elsa,
    love the idea with the cow, unfortunately, there are not too many cows in Berlin so I need to find another cuddle object.

    I compensate my work (which comes with a lot of traveling around) by doing intense Gym classes in the evening to reduce anger and stress from work and short Yoga and Meditation sessions in the morning. Getting things done before work really helps me being more calm over the day.

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