Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

5 Rules for a Relaxing Vacation

We all know that feeling: Looking forward to finally being home and in the own bed after a vacation. Finally being able to relax again and just do nothing. But why? I believe that traveling should also be something relaxing and inspiring. Therefore, I have …

Secret Escapes: Worth a Visit?

You may or may not have heard about Secret Escapes. It is a website where you can book exclusive offers from all around the world. And I just love it! Why? See for yourself in my new video: If you are curious, go have a …

What to Bring on Any Citytrip

In my last post I showed you which 7 toiletries I always take on any trip. These are absolutely crucial in my opinion but for a successful and happy trip, you might wanna take some more things. So here follows what else I pack in …

Glutenfrei auf Reisen – Highlights

Nachdem ich im letzten Beitrag eher allgemeine Infos zur Restaurant- und Hotelwahl beschrieben habe, möchte ich mit euch in diesem Blogpost ein paar persönlich besuchte und getestete Highlights aus verschiedenen Städten auflisten und mit Bildern ergänzen. Die kurze Auflistung erfolgt in aufsteigender Reihenfolge und unterteilt …

A Trip to Milan, Italy from Switzerland

“As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, a life well spent brings happy death”- Leonardo da Vinci. My last moment to escape to the fashion capital of the world was 4 hrs, 5 CHF and a border away from Switzerland. I was about to step …

7 Things to Keep in Your Backpack

Citytrip Backpack Contents I’m sure you have all experienced the problem of not knowing what to pack into your bag during a city trip. On one hand you think that you better take everything in case you might need it. On the other you do …