5 Gründe warum du die Schweiz jetzt bereisen solltest!

Vermisst du das Reisen und kannst es kaum abwarten, wenn die Pandemie-Massnahmen wieder gelockert werden? Wartest du sehnsüchtig auf dein nächstes Abenteuer und verzehrst dich danach in den nächsten Flieger zu steigen? Vor lauter Abenteuerlust denken wir beim Reisen meistens direkt ans Ausland. Es ist …

Hiking community: myth or reality?

Have you ever thought about starting an activity while being a member of a group? Or do you prefer to travel on your own? Even though both options have their pros and cons, in this post I will tell you about the advantages of joining …

How is this spirit made?

Welcome back!  On my previous post we discovered the backstory of our drink of the gods. This time, I hope you are thirsty on knowledge because I want to talk to you about the elaboration process of Tequila! Of course, now a days…the gods are not …

The internal journey of a doer

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.  – Winston Churchill   The journey to new beginnings is not an easy step but it’s for sure a step from good to great. That’s how I see it and it’s how my …

“The Drink of the Gods”

I was born in Guadalajara,Mexico. The Land of Tequila! Having said that…chances are, that you think I do tequila shots for breakfast or maybe a funny anecdote related to this drink just came to your mind. Either way; as fun as that sounds, there is …

Lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre Suiza

Bienvenidos! Suiza se caracteriza por el plurilingüismo, el sistema político, la diversidad cultural, los impresionantes paisajes y sus gentes. 8,5 millones de personas viven en Suiza, una cifra que dobla la de principios del siglo 20. La población se ha más que doblado en los …