Workation – Homeoffice ganz anders!

Arbeit und Urlaub vereinen? Das geht! Mit Workation kannst du dein Homeoffice an traumhafte Orte verlegen und gleichzeitig entspannen. Ob am Strand, in den Bergen oder in einer aufregenden Stadt – die Möglichkeiten sind endlos. Doch, was steckt eigentlich dahinter? Stell dir vor, du könntest …

Keep inspiring and getting inspired

Hi beautiful people! I would like to take the opportunity today to talk about female inspiration; going from female entrepreneurship to social achievements. To get some examples of female figures of inspiration, I asked the question to my followers…  I’m sure that you also might …

Let’s talk @ FemUnity: Event Management

Hi there, We are back with the second video of this mini video serie, this time sharing our experience on event management @ FemUnity. We talk for instance about the obstacles that we meet, but also what we aim at doing during our events… Enjoy …

Sweet sweet memories at FemUnity…

Hey you, welcome back to my blog for another “informal info session” about FemUnity. In the first article, I presented you the starting point and how far we’ve gotten in the meantime. But you might now ask yourself, “Alright, cool project but what has been …