The newest social hack – Instagram Pods

In my previous blog post I was talking about Errors- in our case bots, so in this post I am going to introduce you to the newest Instagram hack entitled as Pods. And, we have already seen that building organic followers is not that easy …

Erfahrungsbericht eines ungewöhnlichen Schuhkaufs

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser Nachdem ich mich nun in den vergangenen Wochen mehrheitlich eher theoretischen CRM-Beiträgen auf meinem Blog gewidmet habe ist es mal wieder an der Zeit für eine persönliche Anekdote, die sich aber bestens mit den Themen aus den vergangenen Wochen verknüpfen lässt …

Campagne d’influence BCV X JOJ2020 – interview

Bonjour à tous ! Pour ce dernier article de ma série sur le marketing d’influence, je voulais vraiment avoir le retour d’expérience d’une entreprise de suisse romande. C’est chose faite car j’ai eu la chance d’interviewer Laetitia Schaller, Community Manager à la BCV. Vous trouverez ci-dessous, …

Instagram Errors- Fake Engagement

As I always mention on my blog posts that today “influencers” on social media are closer to celebrities or starts of reality shows, they have become tremendously admired and inspired from their audience. The fashion industry has thrived like no other B2C industry on Instagram …

采访— 关于中国与欧洲各国和韩国的贸易情况

Hello 大家好,欢迎回到我的Blog。我们今天联系到了三位国际贸易从业人员并请求他们结合各自所从事贸易的行业和国家对“中国与各国开展贸易的机遇和挑战”进行一个经验分享。希望他们多年的行业经验可以为你在进入新的目标市场前有所帮助! 1) 中韩化妆品贸易从业者–李先生 2)中瑞进出口贸易从业者–张先生 3)中国对北欧进出口贸易从业者–徐小姐   随着全球化的深化以及物流等辅助设施的发展国际贸易变得越来越普遍,如何做好自己行业的国际贸易? 你对于全球一体化下的国际贸易发展有设么样的看法?你认为全球贸易的机遇和挑战分别是什么? 欢迎在留言区进行讨论~  

Checklist For Identifying Right Influencers

Don’t expect that it will work out when you picked just somebody you felt good about on social media. To find a right partner, you have to do some research about how can she/he contribute to your business. Based on Steve Goldstein from PR News, …

The perfect podcast: Q&A

Hello, hello! Can you believe it? These are the last words I am typing for this project. I had such a great time sharing with you the little knowledge I gained from reading so many articles and talking to super interesting professionals. For this last …