Where to buy second-hand fashion?

This blog post lists a selection of second-hand shops in Switzerland. The Corona lockdown should not stop you from buying second-hand fashion. Therefore, the list below also includes some great online shops. Last week I wrote about second-hand fashion, my favorite way of sustainable shopping. …

Second-hand fashion is a growing trend

The sale of second-hand fashion is an emerging business. It is also a sustainable way to buy clothes, as it helps to reduce pollution by giving clothes a second life instead of dumping them in a landfill. Hey and welcome back to my blog! For …

Self Care Buchempfehlungen – Lesen inspiriert

Voltaire hat einmal gesagt: «Lesen stärkt die Seele». Belesen zu sein, ist etwas Schönes. Es eröffnet uns neue Perspektiven und lässt uns wachsen. Selbstverwirklichung und Wachstum der eigenen Person ist etwas Fundamentales, was uns glücklich macht und uns reifen lässt. So behaupte ich: Lesen gehört …