Interview with a more experienced chess player

In this podcast I am interviewing a fellow chess player. Join us in our discussion about the game, how he started playing and role models from the chess community that influenced us. Tomorrow I will be posting my next podcast where I will be …

Interview with a chess newbie

Listen to my first podcast where I interview Linus, a 19 year old student, that has just started playing chess. I thought that it would be interesting to get an opinion from someone that is just at the beginning of his road and see what …

Chess gameplay with commentary (Part 2)

This is a game that I have played and decided to record it with commentary and post it here for further analysis. There were plenty of blunders in this gameplay, if you manage to identify them all, feel free to write them in the comment …

Chess gameplay with commentary (Part 1)

My first chess gameplay with commentary is live on youtube. Have a look and let me know what you think.   There were plenty of blunders in this gameplay, if you manage to identify them all, feel free to tell me in the …

How to identify the reason

I have learned the utility of asking the “Why” questions. As a result of many situations and incidents, I have found the “Why” question to be the most useful one. Asking Why can sometimes show the parts that are involved in the situation or reveal …

How to prepare your own D&D Story

Hey guys! The following blogpost is a summary written by our Dungeon Master Gabe with all the steps he used to prepare our next D&D session. Maybe there are some tips and tricks, that you can use to help preparing, or you also have some …

????? 5 Sinne und Körpersprache

⏱️ Lesezeit: 3 Minuten.  Sehen, Fühlen, Riechen, Schmecken, Hören. Unsere Sinne nehmen ständig Reize aus der Umwelt auf. Und reagieren darauf. In diesem Beitrag lernst du ⇒ auf was du achten musst, um die Signale unserer Sinnesorgane zu lesen

Top 5 applications for mobile editing

At the moment, there’re tones of applications on AppStore/GooglePlay which can help you to edit pictures. However, there’re just several apps which won’t damage the quality of your lovely picture. Myself, on a daily base I use about 15 applications. There’s something for adding text, …