COVID-19 Scams are Rising

The outbreak is not just rampant in real life, many vulnerable users fall victim in the virtual world. Scammers use this golden opportunity in times of emergency like this. During this difficult time, many people are anxious and is more willing to click on anything …

Self Care Buchempfehlungen – Lesen inspiriert

Voltaire hat einmal gesagt: «Lesen stärkt die Seele». Belesen zu sein, ist etwas Schönes. Es eröffnet uns neue Perspektiven und lässt uns wachsen. Selbstverwirklichung und Wachstum der eigenen Person ist etwas Fundamentales, was uns glücklich macht und uns reifen lässt. So behaupte ich: Lesen gehört …

The perfect podcast: Key Figures

Hello readers, I hope you are all safe at home. Here I am with the third blog post about the perfect podcast. I hope you are ready because I have prepared a special post today: a video! Yes, I have created a video about the …

Podcast: How I Discovered my Passion

How I found my passion and inspiration for writing a Travel Blog Listen to my first podcast and hear how I found the inspiration to become the Travel Scientist. A short and simple story about how I discovered my passion for researching any vacation into …


*Craftainability: the art of creating sustainable crafts. At this point, I think it would be a good idea to show you what kind of knitted or crocheted products I personally use. These handcrafted products have a long-lasting life, if you treat them with love and …

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch is actually a term used to describe social groups that gather around and knit, crochet or sew. The first time I heard about this term was when I moved to Switzerland, 3 years ago. The group was based in Geneva, like myself …

Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

Secret Escapes: Worth a Visit?

You may or may not have heard about Secret Escapes. It is a website where you can book exclusive offers from all around the world. And I just love it! Why? See for yourself in my new video: If you are curious, go have a …

What to Bring on Any Citytrip

In my last post I showed you which 7 toiletries I always take on any trip. These are absolutely crucial in my opinion but for a successful and happy trip, you might wanna take some more things. So here follows what else I pack in …