
*Craftainability: the art of creating sustainable crafts. At this point, I think it would be a good idea to show you what kind of knitted or crocheted products I personally use. These handcrafted products have a long-lasting life, if you treat them with love and …

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch is actually a term used to describe social groups that gather around and knit, crochet or sew. The first time I heard about this term was when I moved to Switzerland, 3 years ago. The group was based in Geneva, like myself …

Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

Secret Escapes: Worth a Visit?

You may or may not have heard about Secret Escapes. It is a website where you can book exclusive offers from all around the world. And I just love it! Why? See for yourself in my new video: If you are curious, go have a …

What to Bring on Any Citytrip

In my last post I showed you which 7 toiletries I always take on any trip. These are absolutely crucial in my opinion but for a successful and happy trip, you might wanna take some more things. So here follows what else I pack in …

Coping-Strategien: Wie mit Online-Raudies umgehen?

Hallooo @Everyone, im heutigen Blogpost möchte ich gerne über meine Strategien mit euch sprechen, wie ich mittlerweile mit Online-Raudies, sowohl ingame als auch im Streamchat, umgehe. Im ersten Blogpost habe ich euch ja berichtet, dass ich vor gut zwei Jahren mit dem Streaming aufgehört habe, …

????? 5 Sinne und Körpersprache

⏱️ Lesezeit: 3 Minuten.  Sehen, Fühlen, Riechen, Schmecken, Hören. Unsere Sinne nehmen ständig Reize aus der Umwelt auf. Und reagieren darauf. In diesem Beitrag lernst du ⇒ auf was du achten musst, um die Signale unserer Sinnesorgane zu lesen

7 Things to Keep in Your Backpack

Citytrip Backpack Contents I’m sure you have all experienced the problem of not knowing what to pack into your bag during a city trip. On one hand you think that you better take everything in case you might need it. On the other you do …