Future & Family: How to Rock your First Day Back at Work!

We’ve discussed the “pre-work” that needs to be done before going on maternity leave, but let’s focus on transitioning back!  Somehow it seems that many parents are left on their own when it comes to navigating their transition back. It’s almost like magic”poof” , you’re …

The perfect podcast: Q&A

Hello, hello! Can you believe it? These are the last words I am typing for this project. I had such a great time sharing with you the little knowledge I gained from reading so many articles and talking to super interesting professionals. For this last …

How Subaru Paved the Way for Automotive LGBT Marketing

Let’s take a trip back to the 1990s. Rachel and Ross, Britney and Justin, MTV, Sony Discmans, Slime, Tamagotchis, Yo-Yos, VHS tapes, … It was a fun decade. One brand wasn’t having a great decade, though. Subaru’s sales were in steep decline. Although the small …

Simplify your eating habits

Eating like a minimalist is not focusing on a radical diet and not eating anything anymore. In my opinion it means to focus on simple and healthy recipes, which are timesaving and also produce less waste. Healthy ingredients  Of course, fast-food products are tempting and …

10 Steps to LGBT-Inclusify Your Business

In a previous post, I’ve told you all about Rainbow-Washing, and why you’ll want to avoid painting your business in rainbow colors if there’s nothing to back up your claim of inclusiveness. However, making your business LGBT-inclusive isn’t easy and certainly doesn’t happen overnight. If …

Leadership im Dialog | Führen mit Zielen

Oft hatte ich in der Vergangenheit das Gefühl, meine Ziele bei der Arbeit “einfach so” zu erreichen und dass es fast schon an Arbeitsverweigerung grenzen würde, wenn ich diese nicht erreichen würde. Handkehrum hatte ich Ziele, bei denen ich nicht beeinflussen konnte, ob ich sie …

D i e ll i c i o u s •

Nun fängt für mich die 8. Quarantänewoche an. Die Corona-Zeit hat ein jeder Leben weltweit umgekrempelt. Was wir früher für selbstverständlich hielten, ist heute nicht allgegenwärtig. Für mich heisst es Homeoffice auf dem Schweizer Ländle. Ich war es gewohnt, schnell hier einen Imbiss zu kaufen …