Positives Mindset im Unternehmen

Wie wichtig eine positive Grundeinstellung ist und mit welchen einfachen Techniken man die eigene Einstellung verbessern kann, habe ich Dir in meinen vorherigen Blogposts aufgezeigt (eine Liste von allen meinen Blogpost findest Du am Ende dieses Posts). Mit diesem Blogpost möchte ich darauf aufmerksam machen, …

Diving into its features – Canva.

DID YOU KNOW? That you can create a creative template for your brand within a few clicks. No I’m not telling you to hire someone to do it. They say that lazy people come up with smart solutions. (or did they?) My “smart” solution (to your educational/marketing needs) for you today, is to invite you…

Prioritize mental health

In the cover image of this post, someone can make out two empty frames and two flowers underneath. Everyone can approach this picture differently and proceed in a different way. Someone can choose to put two pictures in these frames or hose the two flowers. …

The invite-only app everyone’s talking about

What is this invite-only app that everyone’s been talking about? Does podcasts sounds boring to you? Will a new social media app catch your attention? Check out the video down below to find out more about it! 🙂   insert video Do you know that the app is still a beta version?

Plauderstube mit Marco Zabkar

Marco (32, Luzern) erzählt uns von seiner grössten Herausforderung in seinem Leben: Während seiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit erkrankte seine Mutter an Brustkrebs und wenige Jahre später kam sein Vater aufgrund einer Krankheit in den Rollstuhl. Die Folgen von diesen Schicksalschlägen spürt er heute noch. Doch …

Call me by your change

Call me by your change “Small changes can make huge destination differences.” — Sean Covey Lately, the world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another. People feel desperate, frustrated and lost in concurrence.Persistent challenges drain their energy, and they ignore sources of motivation …

5 Must-Have Apps for Microsoft Teams

Hello and welcome to the very first blog post of my eight-part series Let’s talk about Microsoft 365. In today’s post I am writing about a software which has probably seen my face more often than my own mother in the last year – Microsoft …