Eat your Stress away – in a Good Way!

It’s the weekend! We have made it through another stressful week. To reward myself for this I have already figured out my very own routine for Saturdays, which I would like to share with you. Tidy Room, Tidy Mind After sleeping in – which I …

Reisen im Auto

Die Vorstellung einer Strasse, die sich während dem Sonnenuntergang verlassen und einsam durch unberührte Landschaften schlängelt und die Freiheit die man verspürt, fährt man mutterseelenallein auf einer solchen Strasse ist unbeschreiblich. Solch eine Vorstellung ist zuerst einmal extrem kitschig und romantisch, aber auch genau das …

One stick. Two sticks.

All you people out there who are curious to learn about the differences between knitting and crochet and get on the technical side, today is your lucky day. Today I will give you a short explanation. Knitting Knitting is when you use 2 sticks, called …

Time Management in Chess

In chess, the time possibilities of playing can range between 1 minute games and up to 24 hours per move. The most popular options are usually between 1 minute (blitz) and 30 minute games. Having a shorter amount of time can influence a player’s style …

Rotate the Lie

This is a 13-verse poem written to make you think, to overstrain your kama-manas. It’s about internal change. Read it here or listen below. Have fun.   Source header image: