Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

Longieren als wichtiger Teil der Pferdeausbildung

„Longieren ist mehr als das Pferd an einem Seil um sich herum laufen zu lassen!” In der Mitte zu stehen und das Pferd um sich herumlaufen zu lassen, hat für mich mit longieren nichts zu tun. Ich habe erst mit der Longenarbeit begonnen, versuche aber …

the flight ticket by blockchain

Think of such a system that the more it is used, the stronger it will be. It feeds itself with the whole transparency, I hope. Could it be that the idea of a decentralized Blockchain could be misdirected, eliminating key mediators such as mediators, bankers, …

#expressyourself: How to mix trending colors

You are thinking about letting your creativity flow and start painting, but you don’t have all the colors you need? Don’t worry, the truth is you don’t need to buy extensive color sets in order to paint. Most of the shades you can obtain yourself, …

Kurzer Einblick :)

Thema des letzten Blogposts war ja die Zirzensik. Ich habe euch einen kurzen Zusammenschnitt aus unserem Training zusammengestellt. 🙂 Ihr findet ihn hier.

The Power of Purple?

♥ Hi, liebe Food Lovers ♥ Ich hoffe sehr, du hattest ein schönes verlängertes Ostern Wochenende und hast viele Eier bemalen und “Eiertütscht” (so würde man es in der Deutschschweiz sagen, was soviel bedeutet wie Ostereier düpfen oder ticken), viel Schokolade vernascht und konntest die Zeit …

Sustainable living-The coolest lift style now! As one of the millennials, I’ve been told that we are the generation that can actually make impact, and I always believe that. I really do. It brought to my attention few years ago, when sustainable products first came into the market, many people …

How to identify the reason

I have learned the utility of asking the “Why” questions. As a result of many situations and incidents, I have found the “Why” question to be the most useful one. Asking Why can sometimes show the parts that are involved in the situation or reveal …