Ethical Fashion Conversations: A New York Affair

In «Ethical Fashion Conversations: the Podcast», I meet for coffee with individuals from the industry. In this first episode I chat with Jamil Mokthar, the founder of A New York Affair and member of Fashion Revolution Switzerland. We talked about his challenges founding the t-shirt …


“L’equilibrio fisico mentale passa dall’accettazione di sé come si é, inclusi i propri limiti” (Angela Andolfo Filippini, Psicoterapeuta) In questa edizione di Selflove’s Atelier ho indagato il tema del perfezionismo o meglio, della corsa esasperata al raggiungimento dell’io ideale. Un IO che ci costruiamo sulla …

Cosplay in 1 Day Challenge

Konnichi wa minna-san ^-^ Heute präsentiere ich euch mein erstes Video auf meinem Blog! Es zeigt, wie Yinjer Cosplay und ich unsere Kostüme für die Fantasy Basel 2019 genäht haben. Wir trafen uns am Karfreitag für eine Cosplay in 1 Day Challenge. Ob wir es …

Breakfast Story 1/4

♥ Hi, liebe Food Lovers ♥ Diese und nächste Woche dreht sich alles ums FRÜHSTÜCK. Wer liebt es schon nicht, herrlich lecker zu frühstücken und voller Energie in den Tag zu starten. Ich brauche jeden Tag ein nährhaftes Frühstück, ansonsten habe ich keine Energie für den …

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch is actually a term used to describe social groups that gather around and knit, crochet or sew. The first time I heard about this term was when I moved to Switzerland, 3 years ago. The group was based in Geneva, like myself …

Audioblog – my New Old Blog Post!

Hi there! I’m happy to share my latest experiment. Who reads long blog posts anymore? Plenty of people do, plenty don’t. I want to serve both of you! That’s why I will henceforth make all written content available on audio as well. I am happy …