Philippines in the Digital Age

Internet access has developed over the years, with more than 70% of Filipinos going online regularly nowadays. The lifestyle of Filipinos, especially the ones residing in metropolitan areas and the suburbs, has significantly been changed by the Internet in an uncountable aspect. I have interviewed …

Print a house with a 3D printer

The Real Estate sector is expanding its capabilities and now the ability to print a house with a 3D printer became real. Three-dimensional printing, sometimes called additive manufacturing, is the process of creating three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Currently, 3D printing is …

Leadership | Welche Ansprüche haben die jungen Generationen?

In einem Kommentar in einem früheren Blogbeitrag zum Thema “Jung führt alt” wurde ich gefragt, welche Ansprüche denn die nachrückenden Generationen an die Führungskräfte hätten. Gerne stelle ich euch hierzu meine Gedanken, Erfahrungen und Auszüge aus der Literatur vor: Um welche Generationen geht es? Oftmals …

Commuting at a social distance

The world has changed an awful lot since the start of 2020, and now that we may soon be taking some steps back to normality, I wonder what this means for our socially distanced commute. In the urban areas micromobility offers one possible solution. In …

All in one Bowl: Bún Chả Giò

Ihr habt mein letztes Sommerollen Rezept ausprobiert und seid begeistert? Dann dürft ihr euch dieses Gericht nicht entgehen lassen! Ich wage zu behaupten, dass Bún Chả Giò ein Lieblingsgericht nahezu aller Vietnamesen ist. Knusprige vietnamesische Frühlingsrollen und leckeres mariniertes Schweinefleisch werden in einer Schüssel mit …

Apps that can help you achieve a greener lifestyle

Reading this blog already shows that you are interested in the idea of reducing waste and having an ecological footprint. Take a second right now to ask yourself why. Could it be that you are passionate and interested in saving the environment for the future? …