#Healthy Under 15 “Savor The Simplicity Nasi Goreng with Chicken and Veggies”

Get ready for a taste of Indonesia! ?? I’m about to reveal a comfort food so beloved that it soared to second place on CNN’s list of the World’s Most Delicious Foods in 2017. Allow me to present the culinary superstar… Nasi Goreng! ?

This iconic dish is the ultimate hug-in-a-bowl ?, a favorite for Indonesians and a growing sensation worldwide. Nasi Goreng conquers breakfast, lunch, AND dinner – talk about versatility! ?️ You’ll find hundreds of recipes, some healthier than others. After all, the name means “fried rice” – it can be a bit of an indulgence! ? But fear not, because I’m adding a delicious and nutritious twist. This version packs all the flavor with the added bonus of nourishing your body. ?

When I was still in elementary, Nasi Goreng was a star in the lunch boxes my helper lovingly made for me and my siblings. ?❤️ One of our all-time family favorites is Nasi Goreng with chicken ? and lots of veggies. ??Whenever I get homesick, I whip up this dish to remind me of all those good old memories back then. The flavors and textures take me right back to those carefree days, sharing lunch with my siblings under the warm Indonesian sun. ☀️

Cost-Effective Measurements:

  • Rice (300 grams) Cold Rice
  • Chicken Fillet (250 grams) Approximately CHF 4.50 for 250 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Eggs (2 pieces) Approximately CHF 0.60 each
  • Shallot (1 piece) Shallots are priced Approximately CHF 0.50 each.
  • Garlic (1 clove) Bulb of garlic for about CHF 0.80
  • Onion (1 small) Approximately CHF 0.30.
  • Spring Onion (1 bunch) Approximately CHF 1.50.
  • Mixed Frozen Veggies (450grams) Around CHF 2.50.
  • Sweet Soy Sauce (One Tablespoon)
  • Oyster Sauce (One Tablespoon)
  • Soy Sauce (2 Table Spoon)
  • Black Pepper (One Tablespoon)
  • Pinch of Salt (One Tablespoon)

Method for Cooking:

  • Finely chop the shallots, garlic, and onion. Separate the white and green parts of the spring onion, finely chopping the white parts and roughly chopping the green parts.
  • Whisk the eggs in a bowl and scramble them in a lightly oiled pan until cooked through. Remove them from the pan and set aside.
  • Heat a little oil in the same pan. Add the chopped shallots, garlic, onion, and white parts of the spring onion. Cook until fragrant and slightly caramelized.
  • Add the chicken to the pan and cook until tender and cooked through. Season with salt and black pepper.
  • In a small bowl, combine the sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.
  • When the chicken is almost cooked, add a quarter of the sauce mixture and continue to cook until sauce is absorbed.
  • Add the cooked rice and defrosted frozen vegetables to the pan. Lower the heat and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour in the remaining sauce and stir until all ingredients are well coated.
  • Increase the heat slightly to crisp up the rice, stirring frequently.
  • Stir in the scrambled eggs and the chopped green parts of the spring onion. Mix well and serve immediately.

This delicious and nutritious Nasi Goreng recipe is perfect for a simple, all-in-one lunch ?. Packed with flavor, it’s satisfying on its own, but feel free to add chilis for extra heat ?. This budget-friendly recipe easily feeds 2-3 people for less than CHF 15 per serving ?, with each serving containing approximately 500-600 calories ⚖️.

  • Calories: 500-600 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 50 grams
  • Fat: 15.0 grams
  • Protein: 25 grams

Join the #HealthyUnder15 ? challenge and see how #HealthyIsNotExpensive ?. Share your own #HealthyUnder15 creations and let’s inspire one another! ? Which other cuisines would you like us to explore next? ?


Recipe from Author’s Family

Nutrients Fact (Fitnesspal)


? Don’t miss out! Watch the full video on YouTube by clicking this . Dive into the action and join the conversation. We can’t wait to see you there! ?✨



  • Recipe from Author’s Family
  • Nutrients Fact (Fitnesspal)
  • https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/world-best-foods-readers-choice



Aloha and welcome to my world! I'm Arief—feel free to call me whatever suits your fancy. My love affair with healthy food has taken me on global adventures, but there's no place like home for comfort. Healthy food is both exciting and grounding, a passport to new experiences and a warm embrace of familiarity. It nourishes body and soul. My mom, a culinary queen in her own Indonesian restaurant, knows this better than anyone. Her food isn't just delicious, it's a warm hug, whispering memories of home. Growing up in a foodie paradise spoiled me! Five countries later, recreating those flavors felt like a mission impossible. Mom's recipes, though? Pure magic. A taste of Indonesia, a warm memory, and suddenly, I felt grounded again. Her guidance has been my lifeline, in the kitchen and beyond. This blog is my way of sharing that magic with you. Think of it as a taste of Asian cuisine, with a focus on #HealthyUnder15 – because who doesn't love budget-friendly meals and quick, life-changing habits? Join me in the #HealthyUnder15 challenges. Let's nourish not just our bodies, but our souls too, without breaking the bank or the space-time continuum

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