Discover your dream hotel by searching for new openings | Travel 2.0

As mentioned last week, there are some real secrets about newly opened hotels. Today’s tip is so simple, but I promise you it works! And that’s how –  you enter your dream destination and add the three words: ‘new hotel openings’ to your search entry. To find out more, go and watch the video!

If you want even more tips on how to find your dream hotel – here they are:

Post 1 – How you can find your dream hotel

Post 2 – Describe your dream hotel

Post 3 – Locate your dream hotel using Google Maps


Hi, I’m Carina and have a true passion for exploring and experiencing new countries, cultures, people and food. Although I trust in spontaneity and fully agree that sometimes the best moments are the ones you didn’t plan at all, I also like to find the “best” hotel for me at the lowest price. Over the years I have learned and gathered some great experiences and tips on how to become better than any travel agency. Stay tuned for many tips on how YOU can find YOUR dream hotel!

View all posts by Carina →

3 thoughts on “Discover your dream hotel by searching for new openings | Travel 2.0

  1. true! Did that a few times and went to freshly opened amazing hotels in Turkey. Great advice!

  2. Great video Carina! I love the tip – I will defiantly use it in the future. ?

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