G’Day and welcome back to the Down Under Diary! After the buzz of Sydney, we were ready for a more laid-back coastal vibe. But before we reached Emerald Beach, we had one of the most chaotic travel days of the entire trip. From window malfunctions to flat tyres and soaked cushions – let’s just say, the journey was far from smooth. Luckily, the evening brought one of the most magical sunsets (and some unexpected toilet visitors) that made it all worth it.
Oh, and after finding out with the poll in the last blog post that most of you don’t like snakes (followed closely by bugs and spiders), don’t worry – this one’s all about the cute animals. Promise!
Hidden Gems
Emerald Beach itself felt like the definition of a hidden gem, peaceful, wild, and full of unexpected magic. From the first glimpse of the beach to the last kangaroo sighting, it was one of those places that took us completely by surprise.
🦘 Emerald Beach Headland – Kangaroos at Sunset
After a bumpy travel day, Emerald Beach welcomed us with open arms and open fields full of kangaroos. A short walk from our campsite led us to a hill with a breathtaking view over the ocean (Emerald Beach Reserve respectively Emerald Beach Headland). On the way up, we spotted a whole mob of kangaroos including a joey peeking out of its mother’s pouch. The sunset painted the sky in unreal colors as the roos calmly grazed around us. It felt like we had stepped into a wildlife documentary!
🦜 Emerald Beach Headland – Kangaroos at Sunrise
And just because it was so nice, we headed to the reserve once again in the morning for the sunrise! Getting up at 5:15 AM was tough. But in Australia, sunrises are early, and you quickly learn to become a morning person (more or less). But despite our effort, we nearly missed the sunrise because we had looked up the wrong time the day before. Luckily, clouds covered the sky, so we didn’t miss much visually. Still, the peaceful atmosphere and presence of kangaroos made it a perfect start in the day. In the early hours, the reserve also came alive with birdsong. Especially from the parrots, whose unbelievably dreadful screeching noise was quite the complete opposite of their beautiful appearance.
Insider Tips
🛠️ Bring a Swiss Knife and a Tape
You never know when something will break in the camper. In our case, first the shutter to darken the back window broke, and we had to tape it to the ceiling. Then a cupboard refused to close and was about to rattle the whole ride. In typical Swiss manner we brought a Swiss Knife with a screwdriver and we could take it apart on the spot.
🌧️ Double-Check Windows Before Bed
Rain during the night and an open window left us with soaked cushions and camping chairs. We had to dry everything on a parking lot during our lunch break so we could at least sit comfortably for dinner that evening.
🛞 Get Full Insurance for Right-Driving Chaos
If a broken shutter, cupboard, and soaked cushions weren’t enough, we also managed to drive over a curb in Port Macquarie (yes, we underestimated the space on the left side of the car thanks to right-side driving). That left us with a crack in one tyre. Thanks to our rental company’s emergency hotline, we sent pictures and coordinates, and they arranged everything. We got the tyre replaced in the next city free of charge. A stressful detour, but one that ended in a peaceful breakfast stop in the forest. Full insurance? Highly recommended!
🌮 Cooking Smells Stick Around
The cooking of our delicious fajita dinner made the campervan smell like a taco truck for the entire night (and our towels even days after). Choose wisely, what comes on your menu plan!
Untold Stories
🩴 Sandy Shoes
We tried to jump over a stream on the beach and failed, ending up with wet, sandy shoes for the walk up the hill. Only Vanessa was smart enough to take off her shoes and walk through barefoot. The rest of us squished along in soggy sneakers. And as if that wasn’t enough, we later ended up stepping in roo poo too. And by the way, once you get sand into the camper, you’ll never fully get it out (bring or buy a small brush for the road trip, you can definitely make use of it). But hey, the views made up for it and we were smart enough to take a different path back.
🦝 Possum in the Dunny
Just when Vanessa thought she had a quiet moment on the dunny, a noise surprised her mid-toilet visit. Big round, curious eyes were starring at her – a possum suddenly appeared out of the ceiling. Cute or creepy? And the dunny dramas didn’t end there: Simona accidentally locked herself inside in a toilet at a service area, causing a panic moment until an employee came to the rescue.
Travel Trouble Time: What were your biggest travel fails so far? Take the fun poll and see how your struggles compare to others!
Missed a Blog Post?
No worries! Catch up on all the adventures here:
- 🌴 #1: The Ultimate Australia’s East Coast Road Trip
- 🏄🏼♂️ #2: Sydney – Jetlag, Giant Spiders, and the Great Easter Brekkie Fail
- 🦘 #3: Emerald Beach – Kangaroos, Campervan Issues, and a Surprise Visit on the Dunny (this blog article)
Your Turn!
I’d love to hear from you! Share your stories in the comments at the very bottom of the page (after the “You might also like”) in English or German.
What was your worst travel experience or travel day where everything went wrong? 💭
Have you ever had a flat tyre? How? 💭
I’d love to hear from you! You can answer in English or German
What was your worst travel experience or travel day where everything went wrong? 💭
Have you ever had a flat tyre? How? 💭
Was war dein schlimmstes Reiseerlebnis oder ein Reisetag, an dem alles schief ging? 💭
Hattest du schon einmal eine Reifenpanne? Wie? 💭
One of my worst travel moments happened during a holiday. I bought some new clothes and was really excited to wear them, but I made the mistake of washing them in the hotel apartment. I didn’t realize how hot the water was, and they ended up shrinking! It was so disappointing because they were brand new, and now they were way too small to wear.🥲
Luckily, I’ve never had a flat tire.🙏🏼
G’Day Hildegart, that’s a shame to hear! 🥹👚 By the way, what sometimes helps with shrunken clothes: soak them in lukewarm water with a bit of hair conditioner for about 30 minutes. Then gently stretch them back into shape while they’re damp. Sometimes it works miracles! 🙌
Luckily we didn’t have any problems with ou campervan when I was in Australia! I would have been so lost 😩 But I second the tipp with bringing a Swiss knife, it always comes in handy!
G’Day, so lucky you escaped all the camper chaos! We were honestly totally lost when things went wrong. But in the end, we can laugh about it 🤭 Where exactly did you travel to in Australia? 🇦🇺
Die grössten Fails, sind doch auch immer die besten Geschichten zum Erzählen 🤭 Und da habe ich tatsächlich auch einige auf Lager. Auf unserer Reise durch Vietnam z.B. haben wir es tatsächlich geschafft, an den falschen Flughafen zu fahren! Immerhin konnten wir auch von dort aus an unser Zielort fliegen – aber natürlich mussten wir die nächste Verbindung erst abwarten und haben den Tag auf unbequemen Wartesitzen verbracht. Auf der gleichen Reise haben wir übrigens auch einen anderen Flug fast verpasst, weil ein Freund sein Handy im Taxi liegen gelassen hat.. Tja, in dieser Gruppe reisen wir nun nur noch mit dem Zug! 😉
G’Day, ohh, das hört sich nach einem einzigen grossen Chaos an! Genau, solche Geschichten sind später die besten zu Erzählen. Ob der Zug wahnsinnig viel besser ist, naja, auch den kann man verpassen 😉 Danke fürs Teilen und ich hoffe, in eurer Gruppe gibt’s trotzdem noch viele weitere Abenteuer! ✈️
One of my worst travel experiences was, when I was in my favorite city, London, and got sick.🤒 Instead of exploring the amazing city, I had to stay in bed – worst nightmare ever!!😞 I’m looking forward to your next blog post. 😍
G’Day Vanessa, oh no, that really is a travel nightmare! 😢🏙️💂♀️ Thanks so much for following along – I’m super happy you’re enjoying the blog, and the next post is already in the works!
Mein schlimmstes Reiseerlebnis war Alaska, wo es keden Tag regnete, und wir am Zelten waren
G’Day Sandra, oh je, Dauerregen und Zeltferien klingt wirklich nach einer Herausforderung! 🌧️⛺ Ich hoffe, ihr habt trotzdem ein paar schöne Erinnerungen mitgenommen!