Down Under Diary Sydney

Down Under Diary #2: Sydney – Jetlag, Giant Spiders, and the Great Easter Brekkie Fail

G’Day to the first stop on the Down Under Diary! Thanks for voting on the first blog post – and here we go with your top pick: Sydney! Our first days in Australia were a whirlwind of sleepless nights, early morning adventures, and a few surprises we definitely didn’t see coming. From iconic landmarks to unexpected encounters, here’s a look at our time in Australia’s most famous city.

Hidden Gems

Sydney is packed with tourist hotspots, but we also discovered some lesser-known gems worth exploring:

🌿 Royal Botanic Garden – A Green Escape in the City 

Nestled between Sydney’s skyscrapers and the harbor, the Royal Botanic Garden felt like stepping into a different world. Wandering through lush greenery, we spotted a kookaburra laughing in the trees and stumbled upon giant spiders hanging above the walkways (a true Aussie welcome). At first, we were also fascinated by a strange-looking bird with a long, curved beak, thinking we had spotted something rare. Only later did we realize that bin chickens (or ibises) are absolutely everywhere, rummaging through trash bins like feathered scavengers. The garden’s hidden pathways led us to some of the best views of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. But the real surprises were incredible artworks such as a whale made of plants.

Down Under Diary Royal Botanic Garden

🏖️ Manly Beach – More Than Just a Beach Day

A trip to Manly Beach is much more than just sun and surf! While most visitors stick to the main shoreline, we took the scenic route and discovered Manly’s hidden gems. Strolling along the waterfront, we braved an unexpected attack by seagulls during lunch (they’re surprisingly aggressive). Later, we wandered into the jungle, where we spotted a massive Water Dragon lizard casually sunbathing. We enjoyed a breathtaking sunset on the beach before catching the ferry back, watching Sydney’s skyline sparkle in the night.

Down Under Diary Manly Beach

🌊 Bondi to Bronte – Sydney’s Most Stunning Coastal Walk

Bondi Beach with the Bondi Icebergs Pool may be world-famous, but the real magic lies in the coastal walk to Bronte Beach. As we followed the path along the rugged cliffs, we admired surfers mastering the waves below and stopped at hidden viewpoints along the way. Bronte Beach itself was a peaceful contrast to Bondi’s crowds, perfect for unwinding.

Down Under Diary Bondi to Bronte

🌴 Lavender Bay – A Hidden Oasis with Harbour Views

Just across the Harbour Bridge lies one of Sydney’s most charming hidden spots: Milson Park and Lavender Bay, home to the enchanting Wendy’s Secret Garden. We started our walk at Milson Park, where a beautiful formation of palm trees in a perfect circle caught our eye, an aesthetic spot for photos or a quiet break. From there, we strolled along the bay to discover Wendy’s Secret Garden, a fairytale-like oasis filled with lush greenery, quirky sculptures, and winding paths. With its peaceful vibe and stunning views of the Harbour Bridge from a whole new angle.

Down Under Diary Milson Park and Lavender Bay

Insider Tip

🐰 Plan for Public Holidays (and forget easter bunnies)

After a few days in Sydney, we already picked up one tip for future travelers: Plan for Public Holidays (and forget easter bunnies). We arrived over Easter weekend, expecting an Aussie brekkie (brunch) experience… only to find everything closed. Our Easter meal? 7-Eleven snacks. Lesson learned: Always check open hours of restaurants, cafes etc. on public holiday schedules. And while we expected to see Easter bunnies everywhere, Australians have a different Easter mascot: the Easter Bilby. It replaces the bunny in Australia because rabbits, introduced by Europeans, became an invasive species. To protect the native ecosystem, Aussies celebrate with chocolate bilbies, supporting conservation efforts.

Down Under Diary Brekkie

Untold Stories

Some travel moments don’t make it into the guidebooks. Here are a few of our funniest (and scariest) experiences in Sydney:

💤 Sleepless in Sydney

Thanks to jetlag, we were all wide awake at 12 AM on the first day and desperately hunting for snacks at 3 AM. By morning at 4 AM, we debated hitting the hotel gym or pool (which were obviously closed at that time) to fight the fatigue but ended up wandering the city instead.

🕷️ First Wildlife Encounter: A Huntsman Spider

We hadn’t even been in Australia for an hour when we had our first Aussie wildlife encounter, and it wasn’t a cute kangaroo or koala, it was a giant spider clinging to the back of our taxi. Sabrina, our designated “animal expert” was the first to spot it. Even the taxi driver was disgusted, which made us panic even more! But in true Aussie fashion, he eventually removed it. But don’t worry, this was our only run-in with a Huntsman spider. As we found out after obsessively checking our hotel rooms, the campervan, and every corner for each evening the next 6 weeks, they’re not lurking around everywhere. So if you’re hesitant about visiting Australia because of creepy crawlies, you can relax, it’s not as scary as it seems.

Down Under Diary Sleepless Nights

So, what would you be most afraid of on an Aussie adventure? Take our fun poll and see how your fears compare to others!

Vote Here

Missed a blog post?

No worries! Catch up on all the adventures here:


Palm trees, blue sky, Down under diary, Sydney, Australia Down Under Diary Sydney Down Under Diary Emerald Beach

Your Turn!

I’d love to hear from you! Share your stories in the comments at the very bottom of the page (after the “You might also like”).

How do you feel about spiders and creepy crawlies? 💭

Are you the type to stay calm or would you react like us, full panic mode? 💭


G’day to my Down Under Diary! A blog where hidden gems, insider tips, and untold stories about Australia come to life. I’m Géraldine, your guide on this epic adventure. In 2023, three friends and I set off on a 6‑week camper road trip along Australia’s east coast, uncovering secret spots, candid fails, and moments of pure magic. Are you ready to dust off my diary with me? Let’s unlock my experiences that reveal the true essence of Down Under. Stay tuned for adventures, surprising moments, and plenty of laughs along the way!

View all posts by Géraldine →

16 thoughts on “Down Under Diary #2: Sydney – Jetlag, Giant Spiders, and the Great Easter Brekkie Fail

  1. I’m 100% on Team Panic! 🤝🏼 If it crawls or flies, I’m out. I once barricaded myself in a room because a couple of wasps got lost in our apartment – okay, I’m allergic, but still. 🐝 And a Huntsman spider in the car? Nope. I’d have tucked and rolled out of there like it’s an action movie and never looked back. That car would be theirs now! 😂👋🏼🕷️

    1. G’Day Saara, I totally get you! 🐝 I’m fortunately not that afraid of spiders, but even I was shaken when that giant Huntsman popped up behind us in the taxi 🕷️🚖 And the fact that even the driver (as a real Aussie) looked disgusted didn’t help much 🥹

  2. I loved reading your blog entry. Gorgeous pictures and amusing experiences! As I have always dreamt about going to Australia (I’ll probably plan a trip after facing my fear of spiders), I am so excited to read your next blogs 🙂

    1. G’Day and thank you so much! I promise, that spider moment was one of the only real shocks during our entire 6-week trip! The rest of the time, they mostly just chilled in the trees and kept their distance. So don’t let the spiders stop you – Australia is so worth it! 🇦🇺

  3. I‘m defintely not the type of person that stays calm when I‘m facing a spider or any other insect!😂 I‘m always happy when I‘m with someone who has no problem with getting them out of my way..😉🕷️

    1. G’Day Simona, yes, it’s always good to have that one fearless friend aka Sabrina around! 🕷️💪

    1. G’Day Stella, thank you for your kind words! Stay tuned for the next blog article about a hidden gem with kangaroos 🦘

  4. very nice pictures! 😍 I was just thinking about my next travel destination and I think I found it: Australia it is 🌏🦘

    1. G’Day Jasmin, thank you very much! Australia is such a stunning and diverse destination – I’m sure you’ll fall in love with it just like we did! 🌅🦘 Can’t wait to share more travel inspo and tips with you – stay tuned!

  5. Hi, with spiders I’m definitely the calm type of person. I would be somewhat happy to see a dangerous spider 😂 So, I wouldn’t run away, instead I would pick up my camera to take a picture of it 🕷️ I have to say after your travel tips for Sydney this town is a must see for me 😍

    1. G‘Day Andrin, lucky you! We could’ve used you in our taxi during our first spider encounter – we were all in panic mode while you’d probably have been snapping National Geographic-level pics! 📸 So glad to hear Sydney made it onto your bucket list – more stories from the east coast are coming soon! 🇦🇺

  6. Hey dear, thank you for your amazing stories. I stay calm around spiders, but I really don’t like snakes. I hope you haven’t met one?🐍

    1. I totally get that – snakes aren’t for everyone 🐍 And yes, we did spot one on our trip — luckily from a safe distance. It was a quick but exciting moment! More wild (and snake-free) stories of our encounters are coming soon! 🦘🦝

  7. I hate spiders and insects in general so I am not sure if I could survive this trip 😂. But I love to hear your adventures and the pictures of your trip look amazing!

    1. G’Day Erato, honestly, apart from one dramatic spider encounter on the first day, it was way less scary than we expected! And the landscapes and wildlife totally make up for it 🐨🌴 Thanks so much for following along – I’m so happy you’re enjoying the stories and photos! 🥰📷

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