3 Swiss Female Winemakers You Should Remember

?A Rising Star, A Success Story & Crafting Art in Every Bottle ?

Winemaking is a profession dominated by men. And indeed, there are only a few dozen famous female winemakers worldwide – but the wines they produce, wow! In Switzerland there is no official count of how many are women.

For this blog post, I contacted the three winemakers you will meet below and received some insights into their view on wine!

In the Geneva region women make up 25% of all winemakers.

Laura Paccot – A Rising Star in the World of Wine
Domaine La Colombe
© Domaine La Colombe

The Paccot family, renowned for winemaking at Domaine La Colombe in Féchy, manages 20 hectares of vineyards. Employing biodynamic methods, they produce acclaimed Swiss wines.

Laura Paccot has a special affection for the fresh and full-bodied Pinot Noir “La Colombe noire 2017” as stated in the article on their website

Laura, transitioning to lead the family legacy, returned to winemaking after hospitality studies. She trained as an oenologist in Changins and interned in South Africa, Burgundy, and Switzerland.

Laura’s passion for her craft is palpable, particularly in her dedication to the indigenous grape variety, Chasselas. (Bellevue)

Domaine La Colombe
© Sarah Vonesch
Laura Paccot
© Sarah Vonesch

She collaborates with the Conservatoire Mondial du Chasselas to explore optimal terroirs for the grape. For her, Chasselas embodies the essence of the Vaud region, yielding elegant, terroir-driven wines with lower alcohol content—a characteristic she admires. Focused on evoking emotion and vitality, she aims to expand La Colombe’s international presence.

5% of their production already finding its way abroad—an impressive feat in a market where Swiss wines typically have minimal export presence. (Bellevue)

More about Laura Paccot and her wines you can read here.

Irene Grünenfelder – The Success Story of Eichholz Vineyard
Weingut Eichholz in Jenins in Graubünden
© Weingut Eichholz

Located prominently in Jenins, Grisons, its charming buildings stand out amidst the sea of vines, symbolizing a journey fueled by sheer determination and passion.

It all began with Irene Grünenfelder, a self-made winemaker who started with just a single 500-liter barrel. (Boucherville.ch)

Weingut Eichholz, Irene Grünenfelder
© Gourmör.ch

In 1995, she turned her dream into reality, establishing her vineyard spanning over six hectares of land.

What started as a one-woman endeavor has blossomed into a thriving family winery, now managed alongside her son, Johannes Hunger.

They craft authentic, nuanced, and vibrant wines, blending Irene’s experience with Johannes’ oenological expertise to create something truly exceptional. (Boucherville.ch)

Irene Grünenfelder Weingut Eichholz in Jenins
© Weingut Eichholz

Yet, Eichholz Vineyard’s distinction goes beyond mere success—it lies in its unwavering commitment to nature.

They embrace organic farming principles & are blessed with a favorable microclimate. By intentionally limiting harvest yields, they enhance grape quality and essence. (Boucherville.ch)

In the cellar, by minimizing the use of cellar technology, they preserve the natural flavors and characteristics, resulting in well-rounded, fruit-forward wines of unparalleled quality.

More about Irene Grünefelder and her wines you can read here.

Anne-Claire Schott

“Biodiversity is the key in the fight against climate change.” (Biel-Bienne.ch)

Anne-Claire Schott


Anne-Claire Schott, based at Lake Biel, takes care of her wines according to biodynamic principles in the terraces of Twann. Since 2016, she has been focusing on independent wines and actively responds to climate change with biodynamic methods.

She took over the family winery in 2016. Previously, she studied sociology and art history, lived in India, South America, and the USA, and trained as an oenologist in Changins. Inspired by her diverse cultural experiences, she considers the creation of a wine comparable to the creation of a painting.

For her, there is not the same wine twice, nor the same artwork. (Slowfood.ch)

This statement underscores her creative approach to winemaking. Her Demeter-certified winery comprises 4 hectares of steep terraced vineyards and offers a wide selection of natural and orange wines, reflecting her deep connection with nature and her artistic intuition.

More about Anne-Claire Schott and her wines you can read here.

Let me know in comment section who your favourite Swiss Wine Producer is (Male or Female)! ?

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Hello wine enthusiasts! I'm Chloé, your guide to the fascinating world of Swiss wine. I'm on a quest to unravel the secrets of Swiss winemaking. I am constantly eager to discover hidden gems and share the joy of wine. Here's to a toast of knowledge! While many enjoy a good glass, I'm here to share insights and make Swiss wine approachable for all, whether a seasoned oenophile or a curious beginner. Join me on this exciting journey, and let's uncork the magic together! Cheers, Chloé ??

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36 thoughts on “3 Swiss Female Winemakers You Should Remember

    1. That would be fab – wine, sun and the lake in front of you! Have you ever visited her winery? 🙂 Cheers, Chloé ???

  1. Mmmh, da gab es mal so einen uh guten Weisswein von Anne-Claire Schott im Restaurant Scheunenberg bei Lyss??? Mit Grüssen aus der Ostschweiz

    1. Das klingt ja wunderbar – danke fürs Teilen! Was für ein Weisswein war es denn? Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc oder Pinot Gris? Toll, dass Anne-Claires Weine überall in der Schweiz vertreten sind 🙂 🙂 Liebe Grüsse aus Luzern

  2. Mega toller Post! ?
    Wenn du uns im Wallis mal besuchst, musst du unbedingt bei Marie-Therese Chappaz, Sandrine Caloz und Valentina Andrej vorbei!

    1. Danke, Fiona!? Marie-Therese Chappaz, von ihr habe ich schon viel gehört! Das merke ich mir! Vielleicht können mal zusammen gehen 🙂 Cheers, Chloé!

  3. Amazing to see the so different stories to how these three got to produce wine. It is amazing to see their passion behind the products!!

    1. Hi Diego, thanks so much for sharing! I totally agree with you! Did you ever try any of their wines? I can absolutely recommend it! You can also taste their passion in their wines. They’re so yummy! Cheers, Chloé

    1. ? I have to check out her wines! Any particular one, you can recommend trying, that you really liked? 🙂 Cheers, Chloé

  4. Very cool to see women as owners of the vineyards! Did they face any particular challenges especially competiton wise?

    1. Hi Antonio! Very interesting question! As far as I’m informed, not really competition with other Swiss Winemakers but really mostly because of international competition. Sadly, even thought Switzerland produces so many fantastic wines, many people don’t really know them and prefer a good bottle from France, Spain, etc. So keep drinking Swiss Wine! 🙂 Cheers and Happy Saturday!

        1. Hi Antonio
          That’s so great to hear! Hope you will get to taste some amazing Swiss Wines ????
          Cheers, Chloé

  5. Thk you for this great information! I Will try their wines?? Swiss women winemakers are highly innovative and sustainable! Unfortunately, they are far too little in the limelight! I love the Chardonnay from Irene Grünenfelder ???

    1. Hi Regula! I’m glad you found the information helpful and thank you for your message. Enjoy exploring more Swiss wines, they truly showcase innovation and sustainability. My seventh blog post will be about biodynamic wines, which will definitely be an interesting topic for you. Irene Grünenfelder’s Chardonnay sounds like a delightful choice! ? Cheers to supporting women winemakers and discovering new favorites! Chloé

  6. Thank you so much Chloé for all the great winemakers! I‘m definetly gonna try them out.
    Can you recommend some others in the Region of Zurich?

  7. What great blogs! A treasure trove that I would like to explore further! With your special view of the Swiss wine universe, which is so diverse, always surprising and often little known, you open up new insights and perspectives. Informative, instructive, coupled with your palpable passion for the subject makes your blogs something special.

    1. Thank you, Martina! I’m glad you enjoy my blogs on Swiss wine. Stay tuned for more discoveries! Next one to come on Thursday on Swiss Wine Events this Summer 🙂

    1. Herzlichen Dank, Marc! Es freut mich, dass dir mein Blog Post gefällt 🙂 Kanntest du die drei Winzerinnen? Liebe Grüsse, Chloé

      1. Ja, und icj kenne noch weitere Winzerinnen. Zum Beispiel:
        Eugenie Kuntzer, Domaine Saint-Sébaste, Saint-Blaise
        Madeleine Mercier, Domaine Denis Mercier, Sierre

        1. Hallo Marc!
          Danke für die wertvollen Tipps! Ich bin sicher, dass die Weine von Eugenie Kuntzer und Madeleine Mercier grossartig sind. Wenn ich diese Woche bei den Offenen Weinkellern im Wallis bin, werde ich schauen, dass ich noch bei Domaine Denis Mercier vorbeischauen werde. 🙂 Liebe Grüsse

    1. Dear Franci, Thank you for your positive feedback! I’m very happy to read that you find the blog informative and hope you will be able to use some of the information learned at your next wine evening 🙂 Cheers, Chloé

    1. Hi Fadri! I have only heard of Les Frères Dutruy, absolutely want to try their Rosé Gamay, heard so many good things. If you have any recommendations about your favourite wine from them, let me know! Cheers, Chloé

  8. Thank you very much for the interesting information Chloé!? From Wallis I know Mathilde Roux (Fully), Valentina Andrei (Saillon) and Fabienne Cottagnoud (Vétroz).☺️
    But I also really like the wines from Adrian & Diego Mathier.?

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole, for your positive feedback! Thank you also for your 4 winemakers – there are so many great Swiss Winemakers in Switzerland and I would love to try all their wines! Is there a specific wine of them that you can recommend? Also, I will be at the Jardin Des Vins this week and will see if I can find them there as well 🙂 Cheers, Chloé

      1. From Adrian & Diego Mathier I can recommend the wines Malvoisie, Petite Arvine or Cuvée Madame Rosmarie.? Additionally, in Wallis, you are always on the right track with a Johannisberg or a Heida.☺️

        1. Hi Nicole! Thanks a lot for your recommendations, I put them on my Have-To-Try Wine List 🙂 There are so many great wines in Switzerland 🙂 Cheers, Chloé

  9. Hi Chloé, My tip certainly is Marie-Thérèse Chappaz from the Valais. The wine is amongst the top 2% Worldwide and never disappoints.

    All the best, Lukas

    1. Hi Lukas
      Thanks a lot for your comment 🙂 I will be in Valais on Thursday and will try and visit her wine cellar, I’ve heard so many good things about her! What’s your favourite wine of hers?

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