01: An Introduction to Matcha Green Tea

Welcome to the World of Matcha Green Tea!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, there’s a good chance that you’ve noticed that matcha has become somewhat of a new “trend” in the health and wellness world. It’s fascinating to think that what seems like a modern trend actually has roots deep in ancient history, where matcha powder was cherished for enhancing emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Maybe you’ve considered trying matcha but didn’t know where to start. It’s important to understand and educate yourself about anything new before adding it to your lifestyle. That’s why I’ve crafted the ultimate beginner’s guide to matcha green tea for you. In this guide, I will walk you through the origins of matcha powder, how it’s made, its benefits, as well as practical tips on how to prepare, store, and incorporate it into your daily routine.

So, are you eager to explore the vibrant world of matcha? Let’s begin…

Understanding Matcha

Matcha is more than just a green tea, it’s a unique form of it made by finely milling young tea leaves into a vivid green powder. However, not just any green tea leaf has what it takes to become matcha powder. Tea plants that are used for matcha (known as Camellia Sinensis) must be grown in the shade for approximately three to four weeks before they are harvested, while the veins and stems of the leaves must be removed during processing. All of this precise care gives these green tea leaves the ability to become a delicious matcha powder that you can enjoy brewed into a timeless beverage.

Speaking of green tea, what else sets matcha tea apart from your “typical” cup of green tea? When you brew green tea, you steep the leaves in hot water and then remove the tea bag before consuming. With matcha, on the other hand, you are dissolving ground-up portions of the entire green tea leaf into the water. This means that you’re consuming the entire leaf (aside from the veins and stems that have been removed prior to grinding).

#matcha #greentea #matchalover #matchalatte #matchatea #teatime #matchapowder #matchaaddict



I am Alona and I love matcha green tea. The world of matcha is deep and fascinating. The more you know, the more you'll enjoy the flavors of this unique tea. As we explore the world of matcha together, I will cover everything you need to know to relish Japanese matcha in a casual way. I invite you to join The Matcha Moments — a cozy corner of the internet where matcha enthusiasts unite! Whether you’re a seasoned sipper or new to the wonders of this vibrant green elixir, our community is the perfect spot to share experiences, recipes, and passion for all things matcha.

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6 thoughts on “01: An Introduction to Matcha Green Tea

  1. Great post! It’s fascinating to see how matcha, steeped in history, has evolved into a modern health trend. I’m excited to try your tips!

  2. Nice content Alona, looking forward to have another Mathca Session with you! Like we had during you and me team seminar

    1. Thank you 🙂 The weather is getting nice and it would be my pleasure to have a matcha picnic together 😉

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