What is Personal Development?

Have you seen that in life there are two types of people…

Those who always complain and who never get anything done.

Who try things and these things never work out.

They are always running late and never enjoying any moments.

Working so hard and not getting any results.

You know what I am talking about right?

I think we all have some people in mind who are like that.

On the other side, you see people crushing it!

They live a fast life and they seem to succeed in everything they do.

Is like they have the Midas touch.

Why is it that some people fall under this category?

What separates these two individuals.

Well, before telling you what separates them, let me tell you what doesn’t.

-They both have 24 hours in their day and their IQ does not differ that much.

-They are born in similar places with similar capabilities.

-They probably went to the same school or their parents had the same jobs.

The difference between them is their personal development, whether they know it or not.

This field, has many coaches, like the legend Bob Proctor  (Whom you see in this pic with me)

So many books, like the two books that I recommend in the video below, are written on this topic.

We all want to know, how to succeed in life?

How to have beautiful moments, how to have free time with our loved ones, how to be healthy, etc.

To do that, you necessarily need to do some ”inner work”.

People can teach you how to do this, but unfortunately, no one can do it for you.

The first thing that you have to do is to work on your self-image. 

That is how you see yourself and how deeply you know yourself.

I want you to love who you are, to really understand your uniqueness, and to know where you want to go.

We say: ”My name is x and I come from y country.” This is just a presentation, this is not WHO I AM!

I am more than just that. You have to learn who you are on a more meaningful level.

You must know what things shaped your way of thinking.

Most of who we are is because of things we saw and heard when we were 0-6 years old.

Most of the things we believe come from our parents and some of those things are wrong.

What are the things that you like and do not like?

More importantly, what is your mission?

To answer these questions, you have to develop your 6 mental faculties and you sit and observe yourself. Learning the 6 mental faculties will take just one hour. Sit on YouTube and take notes. Once you learn them everything will be easy. There is no better way to discover how you are. Actively listen and give answers to yourself. Trust me. 

So to understand yourself; You work on your self-image and develop your 6 mental faculties. It’s easy, I promise.

Once you understand yourself better there is a second concept. For this you don’t need to go to YouTube, just stay with me.

Your brain, your mind, is divided into two parts, the consciences and subconsciousness.

In other words, the emotional part and the analytical part.

The emotional part is like 95% of our brain, and the 5% is our analytical mind.

Our body is dictated by our mind.

Okay, so now you know that whatever command your mind makes then your body will follow.

But, the catch is that 95% of the things we do are in the emotional part, which works automatically.

Your thoughts are blocked in that part of your brain.

That part has beliefs that have been fixed there for a long time, and is hard to change them.

The analytical mind can think, but cannot get these thoughts in the emotional mind.

You have thousands of thoughts per day, and your brain does not remember most of them.

Even if you do remember some of them it is still hard to make this passing.

To pass your thoughts to your emotional mind, you must be emotionally involved.

The best way known to do this is by repeating your new thoughts.

Once you put thoughts in that part of the brain then you will see results.

Because now it means they are part of your heart or part of who you are.

The analytical part of the mind helps us think and calculate.

And the emotional part dictates what we do.

Most of your daily activities or habits like walking or beaching happen automatically.

You don’t need to think of it. This is the problem!

Because some of the things you do automatically are wrong and you are not aware.

If you follow good coaches from the personal development field, they will help you to become more aware.

This way you will observe and detect habits that are wrong or even thoughts you believe but that make no sense.

This is not about changing who you are.

It is about revealing the true you.

Remember: People don’t change, they evolve. 

Once you know yourself a little better, you have to decide where you want to be.

What do you want to feel and to do and to have in life?

Not just what you like, but what you really want.

If everything were possible, what you would choose? This is what you truly want.

Another approach for this is; How big would you dream if you knew you couldn’t fail?

This is because you need direction to succeed.

If you leave yourself with no plan, you will for sure end up in no good places.

People who perform well, are those who are confident and know what they want.

They also constantly review what they are doing.

You don’t have to settle for anything less than what you want.

I know is hard sometimes.

Other than motivating you like ”hey you can do it” I will teach you something valuable.

Confidence comes with understanding. 

It is impossible to be confident when you don’t know something.

How you can do public speaking on a topic you know nothing about?

I would embarrass myself if I go and talk about medicine.

But, when I talk about Business and Personal Development, I am confident.

This is a pic from one of many seminars that I have given.

If you want to be confident, you have to do the work yourself.

So if you want to be confident about yourself and about your future…

Obviously, you must learn who you are and where you want to go.

You are raised by your parents and some of the things that you believe or that you do, are wrong.

So first you will start to work on your self-imagine and then develop your 6 mental faculties. 

To change the beliefs and habits that are wrong and that are fixed in the emotional part of your brain, you have to work yourself first. Then pass the new information that you learn, from the analytical part of your mind, to the emotional part of your mind, you have to use repetition. You have to repeat the new thoughts to yourself.

Now that you know yourself and that you developed yourself, you can decide where you really want to go.

It is up to you it is totally your decision. You must make a committed decision and then follow it.

The thing that is stopping you from going where YOU DIRECT yourself and also how to speed up the process, will be found in the video below.

Check out the video and let me know if you have questions.

To your success,
Dario Hani




Dario Hani

I see that many university students in Europe struggle financially and all they think of is how to save money. My mission for these blogs is to teach them the right mentality and some ways to make money. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!

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