Let’s Get Serious: How to Rank Higher on Google?

The majority of search engine users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the search engine results pages.

What do you need to do in order to take advantage of this – and gain visitors to your website, Blog, or customers to your online store?

your website needs to appear in one of the top positions!




Succeeding in organic search today requires optimizing for a combination of factors that search engines consider important – technical, on-page, and off-page.

On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines understand your website and its content, as well as identify whether it is relevant to a searcher’s query.

It’s easier than Off-Page SEO because most of the changes needed are under your control.

On-Page SEO

1.  Search Intent – represent the reason behind the query.

Make it easy for the search engine to understand what your page is all about. Rewrite old content to match search intent, make it relevant to the questions visitors ask. Tell Google and the reader that you have all the right keywords on the website.

For example: If you have a page on Finding a Job with Limited German Skills, you want to make sure that your site has the right keywords in the title, in the body, and in the image description. You also add supporting keywords in it like Career Opportunities, CV, Skills, or Interviews.

2. Useful –, you’re doing everything in your power to make your site awesome. when a user is clicking on your website, the information they were looking for needs to be easily found. If people are unable to find the answers to their query, they will not stay long, they will click back. It makes more sense to arrange the website to make it easy for people to find what they are looking for.

3. Page Speed

When a user visits a website, the whole page is accessed at the same time. Although this helps the browser to store the web page, there is no guarantee that the user can eventually see any of the material accessed.

A search engine crawling the site is likely to misunderstand or disregard the resource’s contents. When an entire part of a webpage, such as a blog post, is loaded slowly, a search engine could bypass it, resulting in fewer search engine results since the content was not indexed.

One trick to overcome these pitfalls is to provide links to lazy-loaded content. This effectively makes the material available to search engine crawlers. As a search engine indexes a page, it follows the links and indexes the content that it discovers. This approach models a lazy-loaded website similarly to a conventional website while also encouraging users to dynamically load content. For example, WordPress, one of the top blogging platforms on the web, provides a lazy loading solution called Infinite Scroll – and as the user scrolls down the page.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is about everything that doesn’t happen directly on your website.

Networking with other websites and users.

You are making sure other websites are linking back to your website. It’s a bit more out of your control because you rely on other people to believe that your site is worthy of a link.

Google announced that if other prominent websites link to a page, this is proof or a good sign that the information is well trusted. Think of it like an Uber or Airbnb rating system, where you are more trusted, the more people write about you.


SEO takes time and sometimes it is frustrating when you do not see the results fast. But if done properly, they can last months or even years.

Now you know what SEO is and how it is going to increase the traffic to your site.

If you have a topic you wish me to cover? Don’t’ be shy – leave me a comment below and I promise to answer.

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Check out my other blog posts. Which one is did you like the most? ❤️ ?

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ben aharon nissim

Post, post, post! Why doesn’t it always work? Did you ever ask yourself how to increase traffic on your website? How to improve your visibility on Google? Which marketing strategy will work for you best? Let’s go down the rabbit hole and discover how you can market your business online, manage successful campaigns and much more. Hi, my name is Nissim. I have been living in Switzerland for a while and I have been working in online marketing for more than a decade. I will share my insights, tips and recommendations with you. Also - I am addicted to coffee, I am a technology enthusiast, I dream of owning a dog, and I would love to have a drink with Elon Musk. If you wish me to create content on a specific topic, make sure to write it in the comments section below. Thanks!

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9 thoughts on “Let’s Get Serious: How to Rank Higher on Google?

  1. Dear Nissim,

    AMAZING (!) video which explains a quite complex topic in a few easy steps 🙂 I love it! Keep it going 🙂

    1. Dear Desiree, many thanks for your help and support. Your blog was a perfect example of how to use SEO and to improve google ranking! ?

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