5 Urgent Interventions to Reduce Food Loss and Waste

In this post, I  analyze 5 urgent interventions – in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 – to reduce food loss and waste across supply chains.

These interventions will help catalyze ambition, mobilize action, and accelerate progress toward cutting the rate of food loss and waste in half—to the benefit of people and the planet. 


Read my next post if you’re interested in learning more about expiration dates!

Source: World Resources Institute. 2019. Reducing Food Loss and Waste




Francesca Bosancic

Hi! How cool would it be to live in a world where no food is wasted? Food production requires valuable, scarce and environmentally harmful resources that are wasted every day. This waste is avoidable. My goal is to raise awareness and inspire and move you all to stand up against food waste. Let's actively tackle this issue together so we can reduce the unnecessary consequences of food waste!

View all posts by Francesca Bosancic →

14 thoughts on “5 Urgent Interventions to Reduce Food Loss and Waste

  1. Let’s make a difference…Thank you, Nina for writing about such an important topic. I like the video you made, it provides a clear overview and explaines the links with UN sustainable goals. I belive that joint efforts can help to reduce food waste in future.

    1. Thank you, Polina!
      Food waste is a topic that should be given as much attention as possible. Societies can only benefit from reducing food loss and waste along supply chains. I hope my video provided you with an understandable overview of how we can achieve such a goal.

  2. Awareness around food waste should be raised immediately by governments and big organisations. There is no time, immediate action should be taken!

    Thanks for sharing Fransesca.

    1. Thank you for your comment Demet!
      SDG 12.3 is a historic opportunity for the world to realize the numerous food security, economic, and environmental benefits of cutting food loss and waste in half by 2030. Only 9 years remain to achieve the SDG targets. Can we do it? That remains to be seen 🙂

    1. Thank you Mijail!
      I completely agree. Every decision has power, and change begins with every single one of us! 🙂

  3. You are addressing such an important issue, Nina. Well presented and great visuals work, it seems that you put a lot of effort into this movie. Such professional work. Love it. ❤️

  4. What great recommendations, I wish everyone could watch this video, you can learn so much in just 5 minutes!

    1. Thank you Maurício!
      It’s such an important topic that should be discussed. Governments and citizens need to take collective action against food waste throughout every phase of the food supply chain. If everyone joins efforts, we will be able to achieve the SDG 12.3 goal in time!

  5. Great video! It is crazy to realise that global food loss and waste amount to between one-third and one-half of all food produced. Thank you for raising awareness!

    1. Thank you, Sofia!
      I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I agree with you, it is indeed crazy that in this day and age we still waste so much food. However, I believe that if we raise enough awareness we will be able to make a change! 🙂

  6. It was impressive to see that we need some initiatives and regulations regarding food waste in many parts of our lives. Thank you Nina, for enlightening us with this information through a wonderfully crafted video! I wish everyone to be aware of this issue and to do their part for the environment!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the video Begüm!
      Unfortunately, action needs to be taken throughout supply chains. But I hope that by becoming aware of this issue, people will recognize food waste as a serious problem.

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